Can you imagine a global awakening to the glory of God?
Since college, when I discovered the riches of God’s sovereign grace through Ligonier’s outreach, I have been on a mission to this end.
An awakening to God’s holiness would see countless men and women reconciled to God the Father through the Son by the powerful work of the Holy Spirit. Minds would be renewed and lives transformed. Families would flourish, churches would be planted and reinvigorated, societies would be reformed according to biblical truth, and the knowledge of the glory of God would cover the earth as the waters cover the sea (Hab. 2:14).
That moment has not yet arrived. But that is what all Christians long for. At Ligonier, we’re seeking nothing less than a global awakening to who God is.
I believe you support Ligonier because you share this desire to see awakening in the church and throughout the world. Your generosity helps make Ligonier’s outreach happen for the spread of God’s life-changing truth. Thank you.
This month, your donation can help advance four key ministry initiatives throughout 2025 and beyond. More on that in a moment.
Ligonier’s pursuit of awakening as many people as possible to God’s holiness was set in motion by our beloved founder, Dr. R.C. Sproul. Back in 2012, I asked R.C. about his vision for Ligonier’s future in service to the church. His answer was exhilarating:
“Twenty-five years from now, if Ligonier is faithful to its foundations—and I believe it will be—we should have ourselves in the middle of a worldwide renewal of the Reformed faith that we can’t even begin to anticipate from this perspective today.”
The Word of God gives us an expansive picture of God’s glory at the end of history. Driven by this biblical vision, Dr. Sproul mapped out Ligonier’s part in assisting the church as it fulfills the Lord’s Great Commission.
In God’s providence, awakening must occur through the witness of knowledgeable and articulate Christians who proclaim, teach, and defend God’s holiness and grace. To support the church, Ligonier provides discipleship resources so the nations may come to love and embrace God as He is richly proclaimed in the historic Christian faith. We do this in partnership with friends like you, churches near and far, and other like-minded organizations worldwide.
As we are still early in the year, I’m updating you on Ligonier’s 2025 outreach plans so you may know how to pray and where to give regarding our global ministry. We’ve outlined four strategic initiatives to guide Ligonier’s pursuit of increased outreach in 2025 and beyond.
Initiative #1: Study Bibles for the World
The vast majority of pastors worldwide lack basic training in God’s Word. Yet they’re tasked with teaching the Bible to others. Ligonier wants to do something about this by providing pastors worldwide with our one-volume theological library, the Reformation Study Bible. We aim to place study Bibles into the hands of 10 percent of pastors across the globe—a monumental task. We’ve distributed tens of thousands already, but we want to expand to distribute 500,000 study Bibles in the coming years as the Lord provides through the generosity of friends like you.
Initiative #2: Children’s Curriculum
Next month at our national conference, Ligonier will unveil a significant new resource to serve the next generation: our K–5 Bible curriculum. The full, 52-week curriculum will be available in three learning levels later this summer, providing a comprehensive overview of the Bible with age-appropriate depth. Each lesson reinforces the biblical truths of the historic Christian faith and the same Reformed theological distinctives that you’ve come to appreciate through Dr. Sproul’s ministry. Your support today** can help Ligonier continue developing the curriculum**; distribute it to families, churches, and schools at an affordable price; and expand into Spanish and Chinese editions.
Initiative #3: Revolutionary Discipleship App Platform
Mobile devices are now indispensable for spreading communication, including the Bible and faithful theological resources. Our free Ligonier app provides immediate access to a vast theological library filled with teaching series, podcasts, articles, and other material. Substantial enhancements to the Ligonier app will enable us to distribute more teaching in more languages. New technology has recently become available to further what R.C. wanted: namely, for Ligonier’s service to the church to increase, wisely using new media and distribution to serve hundreds of millions of people with faithful Bible teaching in the years to come. This multi-year effort depends on the support of friends like you.
Initiative #4: Sustained, Substantial Ministry in the Top 20 Languages
The Lord has graciously enabled doors to open and partnerships to form for Ligonier to begin extensive discipleship outreach in the world’s most-spoken languages. We are currently reaching more than 14 million non-English speakers. By God’s grace, only financial constraints hinder our growth in resourcing the global church. We’re thankful for the astounding expansion of the ministry over the past few years. Imagine the increased reach you can help effect through your generosity today.
By God’s grace, you can help put study Bibles in the hands of pastors, equip children with biblical truth, expand discipleship through technology, and spread trusted teaching in the world’s most-spoken languages. Every gift plays a crucial role in this mission. Will you give now to help accelerate this work?
R.C. helped us think about the relationship between philanthropy and outreach. If a donor gives us $100, we can do $100 of ministry, striving to deploy that as efficiently and effectively as possible. What we cannot do is $110 of ministry. Your generosity is a stewardship we direct to deploy the truth of God globally for decades to come.
Thank you for praying for the Lord’s continued blessing on Ligonier’s outreach and for praying that we will wisely steward your support. Thank you for your vital support as Ligonier seeks to foster a global awakening to the truth of our holy God.
Ligonier Ministries