4 political family rifts ahead of the 2024 presidential election

Ahead of the 2024 presidential election, the political polarization that has come to define American politics has extended into the families of the major candidates. While relatives of presidential hopefuls…

Want to Be a Better Theologian? Realize Your Idiocy. – Thaddeus Williams

I’m blessed to know one of Time magazine’s top 50 living thinkers. He has been my personal mentor for more than 20 years. He’s a die-hard Chiefs fan. He has…

The Gospel Makes Us Antifragile – Pete Nicholas

In his book Antifragile, author Nassim Nicholas Taleb observes that some objects are naturally fragile, like glass or fine china, and some are naturally resilient, like rubber or Tupperware. But…

Ex-Muslim Puts Jesus to the Test…Turns His Life Upside Down – Sean McDowell

Is Jesus God? Can the Bible be trusted? These are the questions Jainil, as a Muslim, debated his Christian friend for years. Read More Sean McDowell

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