What Does Romans 9 REALLY Mean?

If God is sovereign like the Bible says, then how can human beings have free will? Those who subscribe to certain sects of Calvinism might say that humans can’t possibly have free will because God does all the choosing. But is that what Paul was really getting at when he penned the book of Romans?

This week’s podcast episode dives into a listener’s burning question about the context of Romans 9 and the doctrine of election. Does the Bible REALLY teach that God chooses some people for salvation and others for Hell? Does God harden hearts against our free will? Tune in as Frank tackles these questions and many more, including:

What questions should you ask when reading the Bible?
Did God really hate Esau? And does He hate people today?
What kind of Election is Romans 9 talking about?
If God knows what humans will choose, does that cancel free will?
What does a demonic goddess of Egypt have to do with any of this?
How does Romans 9 affirm the historicity of Moses?


You just may be predestined to hear this week’s podcast episode because Frank is going to cover a lot of Scripture in a short amount of time, so grab a pen and your Bible! And if you want to learn even more about how to read Scripture the right way, enroll in our self-paced online course ‘How to Interpret Your Bible‘ where you’ll walk step by step through four simple keys to help you grasp the true meaning of Scripture in your personal study. And be sure you don’t miss the next midweek podcast episode where Frank will wrap up his final thoughts on this controversial passage!

To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry.


Resources mentioned during the episode:

Podcast episode with Leighton Flowers: Free Will or Calvinism: Which Should You Choose?
Leighton Flowers interview: UNMASKING the MYTH of Calvinism in ROMANS 9
YouTube channel: Soteriology 101 with Dr. Leighton Flowers
Debate: Leighton Flowers VS James White – Does John 6:44 Teach Unconditional Election?

The post What Does Romans 9 REALLY Mean? appeared first on Cross Examined.

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