Choir teacher faces deportation to Mexico over 300 child porn videos

A Mexican national who worked as a choir teacher at a Texas middle school will serve 97 months in federal prison after pleading guilty to receiving 300 videos of child…

Seeking Healthy Freedom Mindset, Kirk Cameron Moves Family from California

Hollywood star and evangelical family man Kirk Cameron is now a Volunteer, a Tennessee Volunteer, that is. The 53-year-old father of six recently announced his family’s move from California to…

Demonic Encounters and Spiritual Darkness (w/ Steve Dabbs) – Sean McDowell

Steve Dabbs is a retired military chaplain with full-time expertise in pastoral care. He has encountered demonic activity and we discuss that in this interview. Read More Sean McDowell

Christian songwriter Rusty Golden, son of Oak Ridge Boys’ William Lee Golden, dies

The son of The Oak Ridge Boys’ baritone singer William Lee Golden, Christian songwriter William “Rusty” Golden, died in his home in Hendersonville, Tennessee, last week. Read More The Christian…

Family pleads for help to find missing Chicago Pastor Warren Beard

Family and friends of the Rev. Warren Beard, a beloved father of five, Sunday school teacher, and assistant pastor at New Israelite Missionary Baptist Church in Chicago, Illinois, are desperately…

‘Beyond anything I’d ever seen’: Sudan facing worst levels of acute food insecurity ever recorded

Many in Sudan are forced to fight over anthills for food as the country faces one of the worst levels of food insecurity ever recorded, according to the global Evangelical…

Q&A About Roman Catholicism, Bible Translations, Trump, Biden, and Transgenderism

You’ve got questions, and for this midweek podcast, we’ve got answers! Tune in as Frank dives into your listener questions on Roman Catholicism, Bible Translations, the impact of “gender-affirming care”…

Ancient Hebrew-inscribed tombstone discovered on coconut farm in India deciphered

The discovery of an ancient Hebrew tombstone in southern India dating back to the 13th century is a significant historical find. It could potentially unveil a forgotten Jewish community within…

Terror attacks force denomination to close 70 churches

Terrorist attacks have forced a denomination to close 70 churches in central Nigeria’s Plateau state, while in the country’s northwest, Christians are celebrating the release of a kidnapped priest. Read…

Earth Left “A Path of Tools” to Scientific Discovery

The fine-tunings for scientific discovery and technological progress are very interesting to me and not just because they defeat the anthropic principle. Source Read More Evolution News

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