Texas Supreme Court sides with Christian judge who refuses to officiate gay weddings

The Supreme Court of Texas ruled Friday in favor of Dianne Hensley, a justice of the peace in Waco reprimanded for not performing same-sex weddings, reinstating her lawsuit against the…

Neanderthals Cared for Down Syndrome Children

It may now be that more babies with Down syndrome are killed in the womb than are born. Source Read More Evolution News

Hamas attack victims, families sue UNRWA, claim aid agency is liable for Oct. 7 attack

More than 100 victims of Hamas’ Oct. 7 terrorist attack against Israel and their families are seeking monetary damages from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees,…

Robert Morris’ son-in-law reveals ‘nightmare week’ for family amid abuse scandal

Ethan Fisher, senior pastor of Gateway Church Houston, who is also the son-in-law of Gateway Church founder Robert Morris, revealed Sunday that his family faced a “nightmare week” following the…

Christian lawmaker takes on new calling speaking out for ‘those who can’t speak’ after departing Congress

Former Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler, R-Mo., says she seeks to use her new role as a commissioner on the bipartisan U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom to help persecuted believers “advance…

Speak to Men Like Men – Greg Morse

Early in my marriage (and midway through an argument), my wife complained to me one day that I talked to her like I would a guy from seminary. By my…

A Theology of Reproductive Technology – Rob Smith, Andrew Spencer

For the last few decades, Oliver O’Donovan’s Begotten or Made? has been difficult to find and expensive to buy. Thanks to the foresight of the Davenant Institute, an organization aimed…

Baptist evangelist tied down with ropes, killed by Muslim extremists in Uganda

An evangelist who had received death threats from Muslim extremists was killed after leading Muslims and others to Christ in eastern Uganda, sources said. Read More The Christian Post |…

Let’s Make Cyril Lucaris Great Again!

Finally got around to having Jason Wallace join us to talk about this video he posted a while back on the fascinating topic of Cyril Lucaris, the Calvinist Ecumenical Patriarch…

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