The Brilliance of Blaise Pascal (Jesus, Science, Islam, and more) – Sean McDowell

Blaise Pascal made important contributions to the study math, science and philosophy, but many don’t know his work as an apologist of the Christian faith. Read More Sean McDowell

‘American Idol’ Winner Abi Carter Says Her Singing Career Began in the Womb

Abi Carter, who just won American Idol season 22, recently gave an interview claiming her singing career first began in her mother’s womb. Carter – who was named the newest…

Remind Your Children About the Meaning of Memorial Day

Over 5,000 people helped decorate the graves of the more than 20,000 soldiers buried inside Arlington National Cemetery on the first Memorial Day in 1868. “We do not know one…

Sociovirologists Say Viruses Can Cheat, Cooperate

What does it mean to say that a defective string of genes’s behavior could be self-defeating? Or self-preserving? Where did the “self” come in? Source Read More Evolution News

‘We are all devastated’: US missionary couple killed in Haiti

A young married couple from the United States who were serving as missionaries in Haiti have been murdered by a Haitian gang, according to a report by an Oklahoma-based ministry.…

A Proposal to Protect IVF, CBS Interviews the Pope, and the Importance of Moms and Dads

Two pro-life Republicans in Washington have introduced a bill to protect IVF, but is it really a pro-life proposal? CBS interviewed Pope Francis and it raised so many questions. And…

Who Is Living Inside Your Kid’s Head? | with Shanda Fulbright

Why do your kids believe what they believe about the world and the purpose of life? Are you equipping them to make good decisions now and in the future when…

German Medical Assembly calls for restricting trans surgeries, puberty blockers for minors

Germany’s highest body of doctors has passed two resolutions related to gender dysphoria, one of which warns about the potentially life-long consequences of allowing youth to transition, as current guidelines…

Elvis Presley’s Bible up for auction to highest bidder

A Bible belonging to iconic American singer and actor Elvis Presley, one of rock music’s dominant performers from the mid-1950s until his death in 1977 and hailed as the king…

John Owen’s Usage of Thomas Aquinas, Part 6

This is a follow up to the previous posts in this blog series where I will go through the works of John Owen detailing where he has mentioned Thomas Aquinas. I hope…

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