Full of Grace and Truth – John Piper

What happens to us when we finally see the glory of Jesus through the eyes of faith? In this episode of Light + Truth, John Piper explains the miracle in…

Membership at Metropolitan Tabernacle: Church Polity with Charles Spurgeon – Geoff Chang

ABSTRACT: Throughout Charles Spurgeon’s decades of ministry, more than 14,000 people sought to join the church he pastored. Rather than rushing them into membership, however, Spurgeon and the other pastors…

Studies Show Parents Are Less Lonely and Experience More Meaning

If all we had to go on was Salon, Slate, or The Atlantic magazines, we’d be forced to conclude that becoming a parent is a life sentence of loneliness. Though…

The Heavy Hand of the Lord

First Samuel 5 is a difficult chapter—a crystal-clear example of divine judgment and intervention. When we study it and consider the heavy hand of God, we have to remember that…

Your Rights as a Christian in a Public School in 2023 – Joe Carter

As the school year begins, many parents, students, teachers, and coaches have questions about what they’re legally allowed to do in relation to their Christian faith. Below is information related…

Jesus and John Winthrop: Alternatives to Toxic Masculinity – John Shelton

Kristin Kobes Du Mez’s Jesus and John Wayne attempts to explain “how white evangelicals corrupted a faith and fractured a nation.” Her answer is a story about how John Wayne…

The Government Can’t Be Your Friend

Recently Senator Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut, proposed The National Strategy for Social Connection Act. The bill has three parts. Part one would create a White House Office of…

On the BBC, a New Openness to Teleology in Biology?

Dr. Richard Buggs is a plant biologist and professor of evolutionary genomics at Queen Mary, University of London. Source Read More Evolution News

Progress Redefined

The world measures success in terms of that which is tangible—by what is bigger, faster, and by what draws the most attention. For many people, success is defined solely by…

Going to Church Multiplies Our Joys and Divides Our Sorrows

A new study conducted by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University finds what many of us who regularly attend church have seen and sadly suspected: Fewer middle-aged people…

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