Minnesota law keeps faith-based colleges out of dual enrollment program

A lawsuit has been filed against the state of Minnesota for passing a law excluding religious colleges and universities from a program that enables high school students to obtain no-cost…

Rick Warren says he rejects both complementarian, egalitarian views of women in Church: ‘Unbiblical weaknesses’

Rick Warren, the founder of Saddleback Church, said in part one of a video series posted online ahead of the Southern Baptist Convention that he has felt compelled to reject…

Mercy Swallows Any Sorrow: Struggling Beside a Sea of Blessing – Marshall Segal

I imagine the short paragraph from Jeremiah Burroughs landed like it did that morning, in part, because my 2-year-old had just thrown an entire bowl of cereal on the floor…

Fidelity, not Pride, this June

If the final few weeks of May were any indication, this June’s pride month noise will be louder and edgier than previous years. Already, the controversy surrounding Target’s new line…

How Church Abuse Contributes to Dechurched Casualties – Jim Davis, Michael Aitcheson, Justin Holcomb

In this episode of As in Heaven, hosts Jim Davis and Mike Aitcheson welcome Justin Holcomb to discuss the meaning of “dechurched casualties” and how abuse in a church environment…

A Gen-Zer Honors Harry Reeder – Luke Engstrom

My dad started attending Christ Covenant Church in Matthews, North Carolina, in October 1993. Dad had just moved to Charlotte for a new job, and one of his friends invited…

6 Truths About the Church’s Future – Bob Thune

We’re hearing a lot these days about dechurching, deconstruction, and decline. Church attendance in America is dropping. Is this a crisis or merely a correction? Is it more of a…

What Is Prudence?

It’s an unhappy reality: we are all fools sometimes. Case in point: When was the last time you fell for a scam? Bought a “bargain” that turned out to be…

Model Cell Visualized as a Compact Factory

Capturing the interior parts of a cell in their complex relationships took a lot of work, but some researchers have set a new high bar for biophysical imaging. Source Read…

Protein Evolution, the Waiting-Time Problem, and the Intriguing Possibility of Two First Parents

After being asked to evaluate the scientific case against Adam and Eve, Ann Gauger dove into population genetics. Source Read More Evolution News

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