Breaking: House Passes ‘Respect for Marriage Act’ – Redefines Marriage in Federal Law

The U.S. House of Representatives voted 258 to 169 to pass H.R. 8404, the disingenuously named “Respect for Marriage Act.”

The act, which embeds a false definition of marriage into the American legal fabric, now goes to President Biden to be signed into law.

H.R. 8404 repeals the Defense of Marriage Act, a bipartisan measure signed in 1996 by President Bill Clinton that defined marriage as the union of one man and one woman. It also codifies “same-sex marriage” into federal law.

Focus on the Family President Jim Daly said the act “threatens to further undermine the very fragile foundation of the family.” He added:

The health of our nation is predicated on the health of its families. It’s inconceivable why a majority of our leaders would deliberately vote to erode the very institution that holds the answer to a thriving country and culture. Children desperately need mothers and fathers, and today’s vote seriously undercuts and ignores what should be a top legislative priority.

The House approved the Senate version of the bill, which was passed on November 29 by a vote of 61 to 36, with three senators not voting.

The Senate added limited protections for religious organizations, stating that they could not be forced to solemnize or celebrate a marriage against their sincerely held religious beliefs.

However, it still endangers faith-based social service organizations by threatening litigation and liability risk if they follow their views on marriage when working with the government.

It also places in jeopardy the tax-exempt status of nonprofits that affirm marriage is the union of a man and a woman.

Every Democrat, along with 39 Republicans voted for the measure, with Rep. Burgess Owens of Utah abstaining. In July, when the House first passed the measure, 47 Republicans voted for the act.

Focus on the Family was part of a coalition, led by Alliance Defending Freedom, that opposed the legislation. Other members included Heritage Foundation, Family Policy Alliance, Billy Graham Evangelical Association, First Liberty Institute, Colson Center for Christian Worldview and Concerned Women for America.

First Liberty President and Chief Counsel Kelly Shackelford released a statement condemning Congress’ redefinition of marriage, stating:

This bill paints a target on millions of people of faith who believe marriage is the union of one man and one woman.

As our legal experts have made clear, this bill is a threat to religious liberty. It punishes the free exercise of religion by letting radical activists harass faith-based institutions in court because of their religious beliefs about marriage.

It’s an attack on millions of religious Americans who simply want to live their lives consistent with their deeply held beliefs.

Related articles:

Breaking: Senate Ends Debate on ‘Respect for Marriage Act’ – Moving Measure to a Final Vote

Contact Your Senators: Proposed ‘Amendment’ to ‘Respect for Marriage Act’ Doesn’t Fix Religious Freedom Concerns

Focus on the Family Joins Coalition Urging U.S. Senate to Protect People of Faith and Traditional Marriage

Focus on the Family President Jim Daly’s Statement on Senate Passage of Same-Sex Marriage Bill

‘Respect for Marriage Act’ Passed by Senate Without Religious Freedom Protections Requested by Conservatives



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