Texas Board of Education expected to punt controversial social studies overhaul until 2025

A plan to revise how Texas schools teach history is expected to be pushed back until at least 2025 after Christian and conservative groups pressured state school board members to…

Texas Board of Education expected to punt controversial social studies overhaul until 2025

A plan to revise how Texas schools teach history is expected to be pushed back until at least 2025 after Christian and conservative groups pressured state school board members to…

Texas Board of Education expected to punt controversial social studies overhaul until 2025

A plan to revise how Texas schools teach history is expected to be pushed back until at least 2025 after Christian and conservative groups pressured state school board members to…

Texas Board of Education expected to punt controversial social studies overhaul until 2025

A plan to revise how Texas schools teach history is expected to be pushed back until at least 2025 after Christian and conservative groups pressured state school board members to…

Texas Board of Education expected to punt controversial social studies overhaul until 2025

A plan to revise how Texas schools teach history is expected to be pushed back until at least 2025 after Christian and conservative groups pressured state school board members to…

Rosenhouse’s Whoppers: Seeing Patterns in Biology Is Like Seeing Dragons in the Clouds

Since the flagellum gets so overused in the debate between ID and Darwinism, let’s change the system. Consider the leaf hopper. Source Read More Evolution News

Terry Crews says 90-day sex fast restored relationship with wife, helped him beat porn addiction

Actor and professing Christian Terry Crews recalled a time of celibacy that helped both save his marriage and kick his addiction to pornography.  #TerryCrews #celibacy #marriage #pornography The Christian Post…

Terry Crews says 90-day sex fast restored relationship with wife, helped him beat porn addiction

Actor and professing Christian Terry Crews recalled a time of celibacy that helped both save his marriage and kick his addiction to pornography.  #TerryCrews #celibacy #marriage #pornography Read More The…

Terry Crews says 90-day sex fast restored relationship with wife, helped him beat porn addiction

Actor and professing Christian Terry Crews recalled a time of celibacy that helped both save his marriage and kick his addiction to pornography.  #TerryCrews #celibacy #marriage #pornography Read More The…

Terry Crews says 90-day sex fast restored relationship with wife, helped him beat porn addiction

Actor and professing Christian Terry Crews recalled a time of celibacy that helped both save his marriage and kick his addiction to pornography.  #TerryCrews #celibacy #marriage #pornography Read More The…

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