Most of us put off thoughts about death. The unknown is often too uncomfortable to think about, and the pressing issues of the moment provide a welcome diversion. But the author of Ecclesiastes suggests that we’ll live our best life when we look toward eternity! Living Life Backward: How Ecclesiastes Teaches Us to Live in Light of the End explores the wonderful and wise insights from the writer of Ecclesiastes—a man who tasted every good earthly gift and concluded that nothing in this world can provide lasting joy and contentment.
Living Life Backward explains that death is a light that God shines on the present so that we seek no longer to control life but to enjoy it in all its fullness. This book will help you understand that thinking intentionally about death doesn’t have to be depressing; rather, it can put the good things you want to experience into proper perspective. We are not meant to rule the world, master our own destiny, or achieve ultimate gain through our careers but to know peace and genuine joy.
Part of the Bible’s “Wisdom Literature,” the book of Ecclesiastes is one of God’s gifts to help us navigate life in the real world. Living Life Backward explains that we feel unsettled in our daily lives when we lose perspective on God’s larger plan. By keeping our eyes focused on our eternal future, we can enjoy the earthly gifts God has given us in all their richness. The author helps us embrace this vantage point so can steer happily through life’s seasons. The book also encourages us to enjoy the benefits of sharing our lives with a community of fellow believers.
Reading Living Life Backward will invite you to hit the reset button! You’ll be able to weigh decisions more effectively, establish goals, and even evaluate heartaches with heaven in mind. Each chapter concludes with discussion questions to help you think through the text of Ecclesiastes. The questions will enable you to affirm the reality that our Creator will one day make all things perfect in the midst of a messy life.
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