Q&A with Sen. Ted Cruz: Cuba, border crisis and elections

The situation at the border is worse than I have ever seen it in the nine years I’ve served in the Senate. We’re on a path to see over 2…

When is your stuff, not your stuff?

Bill’s story makes me think I need to change my perspective on that. Taking this scenario to a larger scale, maybe as Christians, we should all be working to shift…

When is your stuff, not your stuff?

Bill’s story makes me think I need to change my perspective on that. Taking this scenario to a larger scale, maybe as Christians, we should all be working to shift…

When is your stuff, not your stuff?

Bill’s story makes me think I need to change my perspective on that. Taking this scenario to a larger scale, maybe as Christians, we should all be working to shift…

When is your stuff, not your stuff?

Bill’s story makes me think I need to change my perspective on that. Taking this scenario to a larger scale, maybe as Christians, we should all be working to shift…

When is your stuff, not your stuff?

Bill’s story makes me think I need to change my perspective on that. Taking this scenario to a larger scale, maybe as Christians, we should all be working to shift…

When is your stuff, not your stuff?

Bill’s story makes me think I need to change my perspective on that. Taking this scenario to a larger scale, maybe as Christians, we should all be working to shift…

When is your stuff, not your stuff?

Bill’s story makes me think I need to change my perspective on that. Taking this scenario to a larger scale, maybe as Christians, we should all be working to shift…

Still certain in times of uncertainty

When God made the earth and set it in motion, He didn’t just leave it to run on its own; He’s been involved and aware every step of the way.…

Still certain in times of uncertainty

When God made the earth and set it in motion, He didn’t just leave it to run on its own; He’s been involved and aware every step of the way.…

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