The most important person of interest in history (book review)

Cold-Case Homicide Detective J. Warner Wallace makes that exact case in his astonishing new book Person of Interest.  Wallace shows the unparalleled impact a murdered Jewish preacher from an obscure…

How Do We Prepare for the Second Coming? – John Piper

We know from the New Testament that Jesus will return in power and glory. What can we do to prepare ourselves for that long-expected day? Listen Now Read More Desiring…

The Real Protestant Ethic: How ‘Faith Alone’ Sparks Industry – David Mathis

Even during his lifetime, many considered him “the First American.” The list of his accomplishments is astounding: first as an editor and publisher, then as a scientist and inventor, and…

BreakPoint: Lorie Smith’s Appeal Defends Every American’s Freedom of Conscience

In the 19th century, India was coming to grips with the modern world. British companies, like the East India Company, aided in modernizing India through trade, and British missionaries like…

Learn Why Church Membership Is Not Optional

Does church membership matter? Since God is available to us anywhere and anytime, do we really need to belong to a local church? Can’t we just worship in the privacy…

Why You Should Attend Church Every Week – Matt Merker

Matt Merker led a workshop at the 2021 TGC National Conference titled “Gathered by God’s Grace” to encourage pastors as they move toward assembling in more traditional ways after pandemic…

Live Near Your Christian Friends and Family – Justin Whitmel Earley

My family lives in the Washington, D.C., area. We find the cost of living challenging here and have talked about moving to an area with a lower cost of living.…

Attend to the Eternities amid the Noise of the News – Jeffrey Bilbro

We may think the digital era introduces fundamentally new dynamics to the media ecosystem. In many ways, however, digital technologies have simply amplified the dynamics created by the Industrial Revolution:…

3 Reasons People Don’t Believe in Christmas – Rebecca McLaughlin

“Even atheists love a manger scene!” I’d posted four potential cover designs for my new Christmas book on Facebook, hoping for feedback from my non-believing friends. This comment caught my…

A G3 Dividing Line from the AOMin Booth

James and I sat down at the AOMin booth at G3 today and recorded a very special Dividing Line in front of a live audience. James discussed more of the…

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