The Gospel Coalition’s 2021 National Conference is set for April 12 to 14, both in Indianapolis and online. The conference theme is Jesus Is Greater: Christ’s Supremacy in a Chaotic World, and keynote speakers will take us through the book of Hebrews.
In a sharply divided world, what could possibly unite us other than the One who is Lord over all? Contemplating Christ’s supremacy puts everything else in our hectic, broken world into perspective. We look forward to gathering together to declare with one voice the greatness of Christ—who “upholds the universe by the word of his power” (Heb. 1:3).
We created a free playlist to accompany the conference, with 75 songs inspired by the Jesus Is Greater theme and the book of Hebrews.
You can stream the playlist on Spotify or on Apple Music right now.
The playlist is ordered in 10 “movements” that take us through the book of Hebrews, with songs grouped according to themes we find as we move through the text.
We hope this playlist immerses you in music that reminds you of Christ’s all-surpassing greatness. He is greater than the angels, the prophets, the priests. His new covenant is greater than the old. His sacrifice is greater than any other. Nothing before or after him can compare. Jesus is greater than it all. That’s the resounding message of Hebrews, and it will be our rallying cry at TGC21.
TGC21 Playlist Songs
1. Intro / Call to Worship
- “We Draw Near (Hebrews),” Caroline Cobb
- “Jesus is Better,” Austin Stone Worship
- “The King in All His Beauty (Live),” Matt Boswell, Matt Papa
- “Crown Him with Many Crowns,” Shane & Shane
- “Is He Worthy?” by Andrew Peterson
- “Supreme,” Shai Linne featuring Beautiful Eulogy
2. The Final Word: Christ & Revelation (Hebrews 1:1–2:18)
- “Hebrews 1:1–2,” The Verses Project
- “Hebrews 1:3–4,” The Verses Project
- “The Angels’ Moment in the Sun (1:5–14),” Psallos
- “Hypostatic Union” by Shai Linne
- “King Forevermore (God the Uncreated One),” Aaron Keyes, David Walker
- “All Things Together” by Andrew Peterson
- “Fairest Lord Jesus (My Soul’s Glory)” by Worship Circle, Paul Baloche
- “Ex Paradiso (2:5–18),” Psallos
3. The Final Mediator: Christ & Moses (Hebrews 3:1–4:13)
- “Take Care, Pt. 1 (3:12–4:10),” Psallos
- “Sabbath,” Zambroa
- “Come Away from Rush and Hurry,” Kara Young, Caleb Fincher
- “Rest in You,” by All Sons & Daughters
- “Rest” by The Gray Havens
4. Christ’s Better Priesthood (Hebrews 4:14–7:28)
- “Before the Throne,” Citizens
- “Great High Priest,” Asaph
- “High Priest,” Rivers & Robots
- “Hebrews 4,” Jeremy James Whitacker
- “Underdressed,” Gable Price & Friends
- “It Was Finished Upon That Cross,” CityAlight
- “Mercy,” Tenielle Neda
- “Grace & Mercy,” Jess Ray
- “Peace on Earth/A Conversation (4:14–5:10),” Psallos
- “Anchor for My Soul,” Josh Garrels
- “Cornerstone,” Worship Initiative
- “High Priest,” Shai Linne
- “Death and Melchizedek (7:1–28),” Psallos
5. Christ’s Greater Covenant (Hebrews 8:1–13)
- “A Better Word,” Bethany Barnard
- “How Vast the Love,” Sovereign Grace
- “Jesus My Righteousness,” John Mark Pantana
6. Christ’s Better Sanctuary and Sacrifice (Hebrews 9:1–10:18)
- “The Old (9:1–10),” Psallos
- “Nothing But the Blood of Jesus,” CityAlight
- “Grace Alone,” Kings Kaleidoscope
- “You’ve Done the Rest,” JUDAH, Jon Guerra
- “Nothing But the Blood,” Shai Linne
- “Redeeming Blood,” K. J. Scriven
- “And Can It Be That I Should Gain?” Sovereign Grace Music, Bob Kauflin
- “He is Risen,” Caroline Cobb
7. The Christian’s Patience: Full Assurance of Hope (Hebrews 10:19–11:40)
- “By Faith,” Keith and Kristyn Getty
- “Abraham,” Denison Witmer
- “Pilgrim,” John Mark McMillan
- “Citizens,” Jon Guerra
- “Abiding City,” Sandra McCracken
- “Stranger in This Land,” Waterdeep
- “Strangers and Pilgrims,” Michael Hughes Watson
- “Sometimes By Step,” Rich Mullins
- “Looking for a City,” The Blackwood Brothers
8. The Christian’s Pilgrimage: Endurance of Faith (Hebrews 12:1–29)
- “Run Like Heaven (12:1–17),” Psallos
- “Fix My Eyes,” Kings Kaleidoscope
- “A Pilgrim’s Progress (Keep Runnin’),” Matt Papa
- “For the Joy Set Before Him,” Latifah Makuyi
- “Well Done, Good and Faithful,” Andrew Peterson
- “Christ Is Mine Forevermore,” CityAlight
- “Author/Perfecter,” Rivers and Robots
- “Sovereign,” Beautiful Eulogy
- “Unto You,” Zambroa
- “All-Consuming Fire” by Shai Linne
9. The Christian’s Power: Exhortation to Love (Hebrews 13:1–17)
- “Take Care, Part 2 (13:1–19),” Psallos
- “Rejoice,” Modern Post
- “Jesus, Firm Foundation,” The Worship Initiative
- “My Worth Is Not in What I Own,” Bethany Barnard
- “Behold, Behold (Revelation),” Caroline Cobb
- “We Will Feast,” Sandra McCracken
- “Now May He Who From the Dead,” Wen Reagan
10. Outro / Benediction
- “Open Our Eyes,” Advent Birmingham
- “Messiah,” Junior Garr
- “Hail to the Lord’s Anointed,” Indelible Grace featuring Sandra McCracken
- “All I Have Is Christ,” Sovereign Grace Music
- “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name,” Paul Zach and Liz Vice
- “Doxology,” Greg LaFollette, Mission House
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The Gospel Coalition