Singing, Suffering, and Scripture: How God Keeps Us Through Song – John Piper

Suffering may quiet our singing for a time, but God designed singing to sustain our souls. And one day, we will sing forever with unrestrained joy. Watch Now Read More…

I Have Fought the Good Fight: How Assurance Changes Everything – Greg Morse

The time of my departure has come. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me…

Antifa attack forces Portland church to close shelter, suspend homeless services 

A group of more than 100 black-clad rioters vandalized a church in Portland that regularly serves meals and provides shelter to the homeless, forcing the church to suspend worship services and…

Joe Biden quotes Bible, hymn ‘On Eagle’s Wings’ in victory speech

Presumptive President-elect Joe Biden pledged not to “see red states and blue states, only to sees the United States” and quoted from the hymn “On Eagle’s Wings” as he addressed…

How to Enjoy Wealth to the Glory of God – Joe Rigney

Wealth is good, and wealth is dangerous. So says the Bible. But how do we use our wealth to glorify God? First Timothy 6:17–19 is one of the clearest and…

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