Republicans File Election Lawsuits in Pennsylvania and Michigan

Elections come with litigation, and that should surprise no one. The stakes are high, especially in federal races where the entire country can be impacted by a result in one…

George Gilder: Can a Computer Model a Brain?

“The brain is not billions of little computers. It vastly exceeds the most powerful computers in efficiency but it is not directed to calculation as such.” Source Read More Evolution…

Oregon Adopts ‘Psilocybin Mushroom Services Program’ and Decriminalizes Possession of Narcotics

Oregon became the first state in the nation to create a program where licensed service providers can administer hallucinogenic mushrooms and fungi products to adults who are 21-years-old and up. The…

Louisiana Has Pro-Life Ballot Victory, Colorado to Remain Late-Term Abortion Destination

For pro-life Americans in Louisiana and Colorado, the results of the 2020 election were mixed. While Louisianans were able to add the Love Life Amendment to the state constitution, Coloradans…

The Elements — An Independent Line of Evidence for Intelligent Design

Twenty elements — and water, too — appear to have been precisely fine-tuned in advance for highly specific biochemical roles. Source Read More Evolution News

Podcast: Processing the Election with Family, Friends and Co-workers – Rick Langer and Tim Muehlhoff

The presidential election is done and one thing is certain — somebody will be happy, and others disheartened. Can a friendship or workplace relationship be preserved with someone who voted…

Carl Lentz fired from Hillsong due to ‘leadership issues, moral failures’

Hillsong founding pastor Brian Houston sent out an email to church staff and members of Hillsong East Coast on Wednesday afternoon, announcing the termination of Hillsong NYC’s lead pastor, Carl…

The Afternoon After: Where Does the 2020 Race Currently Stand?

The election news today is more about what we don’t know, rather than what we do know. But we do know these things. Thankfully, there was not major violence across…

What’s Next for Christians in an Election That Won’t End? – Russell Moore

Several weeks ago, an evangelical pastor told me, “At this point, I don’t have any idea who the next president is; I am just praying it will not be a…

Does Everyone Have a Guardian Angel? (Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast S6E22)

According to the Bible, angels protect us in an unseen spiritual battle. Does this mean that every believer has an individually assigned guardian angel? J. Warner answers this question as…

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