Stories from across the country reveal that even as church doors are opening once again, many evangelicals may not be returning to worship. What does that say about our understanding of worship, of church itself?
Also on today’s episodes, stunning survey results about Christians approval of sex outside of marriage; tough and insightful questions to ask candidates for political office–for example: What are our most pressing problems, and whose job is it to solve them? Or, What is your definition of religious freedom and what is its place in our society?
They wrap up the episode talking about the passing of Chadwick Boseman, an outspoken Christian and star of “Black Panther” and “42,” NBA star Cliff Robinson, and legendary Georgetown U basketball coach John Thompson.
And don’t miss John and Shane’s recommendations for the coming week.
“A Protestant Apocalypse?” by Carl Trueman, First Things
“42” feature film starring Chadwick Boseman
C.S. Lewis Doodle channel on YouTube
“Greyhound” movie trailer, YouTube
Strong Women podcast with Sarah Stonestreet and Erin Kunkle
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