Defending God as the Maximally Great and Perfect Being


Defending God as the Maximally Great and Perfect Being

by Travis Dickinson

In my last post, I argued that God as the bearded guy in the sky should be rejected. I have no interest in God as the bearded guy in the sky or any deity who is fundamentally human-like or finite. So this means I have no interest in a God who is an exalted man who has populated the planet with his spirit children, as in Mormonism. I also don’t have an interest in a God who extends mercy and the reward of 72 virgins only to those who follow his legal system, as in Islam. Allah is certainly a bigger conception of God than the bearded guy in the sky conception but it still falls very, very short.

I am interested and do affirm the existence of God as the greatest conceivable being. This is a God who has all great making properties in a maximal way. Being moral is a great making property and God, on this conception, has this property maximally. This means not only that all and every action is morally perfect, but also that God is the very ground of morality. Having knowledge or creative power and being everywhere present are also great making properties that God has maximally.

This is a God truly worthy of worship and our devotion…

Defending God as the Maximally Great and Perfect Being

The post Defending God as the Maximally Great and Perfect Being appeared first on The Poached Egg Christian Worldview and Apologetics Network.

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