Streaming Tonight: 2024 Winter Conference

Tonight, we’ll be livestreaming day one of our 2024 Winter Conference, We Believe. Tune in to hear Burk Parsons and Michael Reeves consider the connection between doctrine and the Christian…

What Should Protestants Know about the Early Church Fathers?

Luther, Calvin, and the other “founding fathers” of Protestantism were disciples of the early church fathers. They had a special regard for one father in particular: Augustine of Hippo. Luther…

How to Read a Thunderstorm – Seth Porch

In sub-Saharan West Africa, the dry season slowly tightens its deathlike grip until that first thunderstorm. It begins as a speck on the horizon. The breeze stills; the furnace-like heat…

The Problem with Justification – John Piper

Why is God’s mercy to sinners a massive problem? In this episode of Light + Truth, John Piper turns to Romans 3:21–26 to explain the crisis and outline Paul’s solution.…

Leading a Church out of Casual Culture – John Piper

How might churches move away from casual culture toward heartfelt, happy reverence on Sunday morning? Pastor John shares five steps for preachers. Listen Now Read More Desiring God

The Neglected Task of Persuasive Preaching

Preaching isn’t popular. W. E. Sangster, writing in mid-twentieth-century Britain, remarked, “Preaching is in the shadows. The world does not believe in it.”1 If he were around today, he might…

Ask Ligonier with Michael Reeves: Live Tonight at 7:30 p.m. ET

Watch now as Dr. Michael Reeves joins us live online to answer your biblical and theological questions. Dr. Michael Reeves is president and professor of theology at Union School of…

The Three Most Important Words in Prayer – Marshall Segal

As a child, I had an unhealthy fear of voicemails. Since voicemails now are something of an endangered species, this may require some explanation. When I was in school, most…

Justified by God’s Grace – John Piper

What does it mean to be justified by God’s grace? In this episode of Light + Truth, John Piper opens Romans 3:21–26 to explore how we are saved. Watch Now…

Who Was William Farel?

Guillaume (William) Farel is mainly remembered today for that famous encounter with John Calvin in 1536, when he convinced his compatriot to stay in Geneva and work alongside him. Like…

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