Wallpaper: Deep in Debt

“You are as deep in debt as you can be to every attribute of God. To God you owe yourself and all you have.” —C.H. Spurgeon Click below to download…

Understanding Personhood

We live in a world where there is much cruelty and violence. Whether we watch local or international news on television, we hear of countless instances of intimidation, injustice, thefts,…

Always Ready: Join Us in Ontario

Teenagers face a variety of attacks on the truth of Christianity, and it is vital that they be prepared to give an answer for the hope within them (1 Peter…

The Infallible Test of Spiritual Integrity – Daniel J. Brendsel

“The truth about a man lies first and foremost in what he hides.” So wrote the French novelist, art critic, and statesman André Malraux in 1967, in a weighty diagnosis…

Was Paul at Odds with the Apostles? Galatians 2:1–2 – John Piper

In Galatians, Paul unpacks his encounters with the other apostles. Were they really at odds with one another? Watch Now Read More Desiring God

His Voice in Yours: How Christ Wins the World – John Piper

God will have worshipers from every nation on earth. He will win them, and do so through us. We have only to tell them. Watch Now Read More Desiring God

The Joy of Being Left Behind: Releasing Children to Follow Jesus – Jon Bloom

A late middle-aged father is standing next to his boat and a pile of partly mended fishing nets, watching his two sons. He has always assumed that his sons would…

Ask God for More of God: Lessons for a Better Prayer Life – Matt Smethurst

If you had to choose five adjectives to describe God, would holy appear on the list? I trust so. Righteous probably would too. No doubt merciful or loving would be…

Where the Law Points Us – John Piper

If the law is not a way for man to get right with God, how should we understand its purpose? In this episode of Light + Truth, John Piper tackles…

Let All Apologetics Aim at Worship: Galatians 1:21–24 – John Piper

Through rational, logical arguments, all Christian apologetics should aim to cultivate heartfelt, affectionate worship. Watch Now Read More Desiring God

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