Shepherding Children through Hardships and Trials

Seeing our children suffer through trials can be extremely difficult. Even parents who are well-equipped to cope with their own problems often find themselves feeling helpless when their child is…

Are You a Primary Teaching Pastor? Join Alistair Begg for a Free One-Day Event Hosted by Truth For Life

Are you a pastor who wants to learn more about preaching the Bible and devoting your life to Gospel ministry? If so, apply to join Alistair Begg and Truth For…

The Gospel of Freedom Imperiled: Galatians 2:3–5 – John Piper

The gospel of grace justifies by faith alone. To add any amount of good works or law-keeping to the gospel creates slavery instead of freedom. Watch Now Read More Desiring…

Let the Youth Speak: A Case for Righteous Elihu – Christopher Ash

ABSTRACT: Contemporary scholarship (almost) universally argues that Elihu’s speeches in Job 32–37 should, like the speeches of Job’s other friends, be considered unorthodox in their portrayal of the justice of…

The Freedom of Justification – John Piper

How does justification by faith not only free us from having to earn God’s favor but also empower us to love? In this episode of Light + Truth, John Piper…

Who Was William Whiting Borden?

D.L. Moody’s oft-quoted statement, “The world has yet to see what God can do with a fully consecrated man,” rang true of a young man who grew up in the…

Examples of Unwavering Faith

We remember certain figures from church history as special testaments to the Lord’s faithfulness. Their preaching, hymnody, and courageous actions illustrate the grace of God at work as His people…

Pastors for the Unborn: Pro-Life Leaders in the Local Church – John Ensor

Thirty-five years ago, as I was pastoring a small church in Boston and seeing the temptations and struggles facing my people, I felt an urgent need to gather the church…

Trust the One Who Justifies – John Piper

If faith does not look to itself for salvation, where does it look? In this episode of Light + Truth, John Piper turns to Romans 3:27–31 to show how saving…

Strategies for Building a Reverent Church – John Piper

In a day starving for transcendence, how might church leaders arrange every element of the Sunday gathering to promote joyful Godward reverence? Listen Now Read More Desiring God

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