The Most Important Handshake in the World: Galatians 2:6–10 – John Piper

The most important handshake in history happened when the apostles extended the right hand of fellowship to Paul in Jerusalem. Watch Now Read More Desiring God

Leadership in the Church

It’s true that Paul was an Apostle and we are not. Nevertheless, Paul was a minister, and those who serve in the church are also ministers. There is a point…

Always Ready: Join Us in Monterey Bay, CA

Teenagers face a variety of attacks on the truth of Christianity, and it is vital that they be prepared to give an answer for the hope within them (1 Peter…

Justified by Faith Alone – John Piper

Why is the doctrine of justification by faith alone such good news? In this episode of Light + Truth, John Piper takes us to Romans 4:1–5 to expound the heart…

What Would World War III Mean for Missions? – John Piper

We live in a time of mounting global tensions, of wars and rumors of wars. What hope do we have for the future of missions should conflict continue to build?…

What Is the Church?

In the language of the Westminster Confession of Faith, the church comprises the “whole number of the elect, that have been, are, or shall be, gathered into one, under Christ…

Announcing Our 2024 Santo Domingo Conference

The gospel is at the center of the Christian faith because it describes the central figure in the history of redemption: our Lord Jesus Christ. By trusting in Him, we…

The Saving Oneness of God – John Piper

How should rescued sinners respond to the oneness of God, especially in his work of salvation? In this episode of Light + Truth, John Piper turns to Romans 3:29–30 to…

What Makes a Woman Beautiful? A Guide for Young Men – Scott Hubbard

Some call it “the beauty bias.” Others prefer “lookism.” Either way, several studies over the last couple of decades establish the point apparently beyond dispute: It pays to be beautiful.…

“Not My Will, but Yours”: How to Pray like Jesus

Jesus’ prayer on the eve of His crucifixion is given in a familiar account. One phrase is particularly striking: “Not my will, but yours” (Luke 22:42). These five words demonstrate…

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