Was Jesus Confused by the Cross? – John Piper

“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Do these haunting words from Jesus suggest he was confused by the horrors of the cross? Listen Now Read More Desiring…

Wallpaper: Worship God

“In saying we will worship God, we’re saying that we will give Him the chief place in our thoughts and interests.” —Alistair Begg Click below to download your image: Apple…

3 Things You Should Know about Jonah

Jonah’s adventure is one of the most familiar stories in Scripture. Ask any child in church what it’s about and you’ll get a cogent answer. This is less likely if…

Save 35% on Devotionals

This week only, save 35% on a collection of devotionals for Christians of all ages. Take up one of these books filled with daily readings, prayers, and thoughtful reflections that…

How have the writings of John Owen shaped your theological development?

FERGUSON: If you went back seventy years or so, you would be struggling to find a Christian in the world who knew who John Owen was. Then his works began…

Respectable Drunkenness: Subtle Ways to Numb a Soul – Marshall Segal

Drunkenness is an unusually seeable sin. People can drink in secret, of course, but if they’re drunk around others (especially those who know them well), it’s generally not hard to…

An Apostle’s Failure to Live the Gospel: Galatians 2:11–14 – John Piper

As Paul’s confrontation of Peter demonstrates, fear of man leads to walking out of step with the gospel and denying the freedom of grace. Watch Now Read More Desiring God

Start the Day Happy in God: The Lost Art of Bible Meditation – David Mathis

“I’m just not feeling it today.” How often have you reached for that excuse? Many of us can be quick to cast ourselves as the victim of a sluggish heart.…

The Power of Praying Together – Steven Lee

Every believer desires spiritual intimacy with other believers. We may call it fellowship, community, or doing life together. God didn’t make us to be lone rangers. He saved us into…

The Blessing of Justification – John Piper

What is the blessing of justification? In this episode of Light + Truth, John Piper turns to Romans 4:6–8 to sketch out the wonders of what it means to be…

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