How Should I Choose a College Major? – John Piper

What factors should Christian students consider when choosing a college or major? Pastor John gives five guidelines for those who don’t want to waste their lives. Listen Now Read More…

Do Not Act Faithless – John Piper

What enables us to keep the covenants we make? In this episode of Light + Truth, John Piper opens Malachi 2:10–16 for a look at how God’s faithfulness transforms and…

Into the Highways and Hedges: A Primer for Open-Air Preaching – Ryan Denton

A few years ago, I was discussing open-air preaching with a veteran pastor in Missouri. He told me, “Thirty years ago, you’d maybe see five or six open-air preachers in…

How Could God Acquit the Guilty? Galatians 2:15–16, Part 3 – John Piper

One reason we don’t enjoy salvation as we should is that we don’t feel the weight of what it means for a holy God to forgive sin. Watch Now Read…

True Compassion and LGBTQ Weddings

True Compassion in the Parable of the Prodigal Son Perhaps no parable is more beloved than that of the prodigal son in Luke 15:11–32. It speaks to universal concerns and…

Hell Should Unsettle Christians: Embracing the Most Emotionally Difficult Doctrine – David Mathis

Last August, as our family visited Manhattan, we had the joy of seeing The Lion King on Broadway. And in that urban, sophisticated, and apparently progressive setting, the play’s climactic…

The Tree of Successful Ministry – John Piper

What are the essential qualities of successful pastoral ministry? In this episode of Light + Truth, John Piper opens Malachi 2:1–9 to highlight the characteristics of a faithful shepherd. Watch…

What Does Justification Mean? Galatians 2:15–16, Part 2 – John Piper

Justification is at the heart of the Christian faith. Yet since the days of Jesus, people have repeatedly gotten it wrong. Watch Now Read More Desiring God

When This Season Ends: How to Let Good Things Go – Scott Hubbard

“You are living the best days of your life.” The comment caught my wife off guard. She was carting our two young boys toward the grocery-store checkout when an older…

What Is Typology?

What is typology? In essence, it is the way that God used history to bring His promises to life. God’s plan of redemption, brought to its fullness in the work…

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