8 Bible Verses about God’s Creation and Commandments

“God hath all life, glory, goodness, blessedness, in and of Himself; and is alone in and unto Himself all-sufficient, not standing in need of any creatures which He hath made,…

The Inseparable Love of God

The constancy and loyalty of God’s lovingkindness is displayed in its ability to persevere through all sorts of obstacles and trials. The ultimate expression of this loyal love is seen…

How to Use Ligonier Resources for Personal Study and Discipleship

Before His ascension, Jesus issued what has come to be known as the Great Commission: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the…

Wallpaper: Made the World

“The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man.” Acts 17:24 Click below to download…

Devotion in an Age of Distraction: How Beauty Breaks the Spell – Kris Lundgaard

Mary Oliver once said, “Attention is the beginning of devotion” (Upstream, 8). Yet we struggle, don’t we, to set our minds on “the things of the Spirit” and “the things…

Enjoying God in His Gifts – John Piper

How do we enjoy pizza, friendship, or any other good gift without committing idolatry? Not only by enjoying God more than his gifts, but also by enjoying him in them.…

Hear, Believe, and Embrace the Word – John Piper

Why must we be diligent with the word of God? In this episode of Light + Truth, John Piper opens Hebrews 4:12–13 to show us how the Scriptures help us…

The Bond of Love

We shall benefit very much from the Sacrament if this thought is impressed and engraved upon our minds: that none of the brethren can be injured, despised, rejected, abused, or…

Newly Translated Discipleship Resources

Trusted biblical teaching is reaching Christians around the world as Ligonier’s discipleship resources are being translated into the most-spoken languages. Your vital support equips church leaders, families, and individuals with…

Even Believers Need to Be Warned: How Hell Motivates Holiness – Scott Hubbard

I stood at a friend’s kitchen sink, surprised and somewhat disturbed. My friend’s wife had taped a notecard on the wall behind the sink with some spiritual reminders. That in…

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