A Little Leaven Is Devastating: Galatians 5:7–10, Part 1 – John Piper

A little leaven, even just a little, leavens the whole lump. Mix a little law with the gospel, and you surrender the ground of grace. Watch Now Read More Desiring…

Prince of Poets? The Lost Lyrics of Charles Spurgeon – Geoff Chang

Did you know that Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834–1892) was not only a preacher but a poet? In her husband’s Autobiography, Susie Spurgeon wrote, “If there had been sufficient space available,…

When God Sees – John Piper

What hope does God’s providence provide in tragedy? In this episode of Light + Truth, John Piper opens Genesis 22:9–14 to show how we can say both that God is…

What’s Happening at Truth For Life This Year?

Many exciting initiatives are underway this year at Truth For Life! We thought you may be interested in hearing about some of the many efforts being made possible by your…

3 Things You Should Know about James

The epistle written by James kicks off the sub-collection known as the “catholic” or General Epistles, so named because they are addressed not to specific churches or individuals but to…

Partner with Us in Taking the Truth to the Nations

What’s in store for you this summer if you live in the northern hemisphere? I imagine many of you will enjoy some refreshing time with your family. My family tries…

Between Faith and Doubt: Five Questions for Our Skepticism – Randy Newman

Randy Newman, our longtime friend, wrote this article just weeks ago to be published May 30 at Desiring God. Last week Randy died unexpectedly of heart complications. We publish this…

If I’m Not Elect, How Am I Guilty for Not Believing? – John Piper

If God has not chosen to save me, then why would he condemn me for not believing? Pastor John explains the kind of inability that does not remove responsibility. Listen…

Living under Authority

As I read the Scriptures, particularly the New Testament, there is a theme that recurs again and again regarding the Christian’s willingness to be in submission to various types of…

When God Listens: His Ear and Our Access – David Mathis

When we stop and look, we find that we know a lot more about Jesus’s spiritual disciplines than we might think. What can we learn from the prayer life of…

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