Ask Ligonier with Steven Lawson: Live Tonight at 7:30 p.m. ET

Tonight at 7:30 p.m. ET, Dr. Steven Lawson will join us as a special guest on our Ask Ligonier team to answer your biblical and theological questions live online. Dr.…

Supporting Missionaries

Here’s an excerpt from Supporting Missionaries, Craig Sheppard’s contribution to the July issue of Tabletalk: In the spring of 1982, just months after my life had been won to Christ,…

What Characteristics Mark an Effective Church? Part 2 of 7: Fellowship

Within a local church that’s faithful to Scripture, we’ll find a remarkable sense of unity among a widely diverse group of people. Alistair continues looking at the marks of a…

Are You Hopeful for Another Spiritual Awakening in Our Day?

Can we hope to see another great awakening to the gospel in our lifetime? From one of our live events, R.C. Sproul and Derek Thomas provide global and historical perspectives…

Faithfulness in Forgotten Places: Why Small Obedience Matters to God – Scott Hubbard

When the Holy Spirit cultivates his fruit in our lives, he often works in ways we would never pray for (Galatians 5:22–23). To grow the fruit of love in us,…

How Do I Glorify God in My Daily Life? – John Piper

God created us to glorify him by enjoying him forever. But how do we fulfill that purpose in the little things, in the small moments, in the day to day?…

Ask Ligonier with Steven Lawson: Live Tomorrow

Tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. ET, Dr. Steven Lawson will join us as a special guest on our Ask Ligonier team to answer your biblical and theological questions live online. Dr.…

What Does ‘Ex Nihilo’ Mean?

Until the Enlightenment, the most firmly established article of Christian faith in the secular world was that of creation. It had been established not only by revelation but also by…

There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood: Costly, Offensive, Beautiful Forgiveness – Greg Morse

Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins. —Hebrews 9:22 Christianity is unlike anything man can imagine on his own. It is perhaps natural to imagine a…

Who Was the Most Famous Woman in America During the 1920s?

Who was the most famous woman in 1920s America? From his series A Survey of Church History, W. Robert Godfrey describes Aimee Semple McPherson, who not only influenced the Pentecostal…

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