Salt and Light for the World

Here’s an excerpt from Salt and Light for the World, Bill Green’s contribution to the July issue of Tabletalk: One cynic might be tempted to say, “The longer Christians think…

Video: “Who Does David Think He Is!” by Alistair Begg

Life may seem like a series of disconnected events, but behind the scenes, God is always working out His plan. When David made a reasonable request of a wealthy man…

Where Will Your Twenties Take You? Six Lessons for Beginning Well – Marshall Segal

Who we are in our twenties, for better or worse, inevitably shapes who we become, for better or worse. If you’re in your twenties now, you will trace threads of…

How Do I Wait for God? – John Piper

God works for those who wait for him. But what does it mean to wait for God? Listen Now Read More Desiring God

What’s So Great About Total Depravity?

“I’m not totally depraved, am I?” The answer from the Bible, and the testimony of universal human experience, is, “Yes, you really are.” But even if we have to accept…

Sermons on Self-Control

While many aspire to practice good self-control, if we’re honest, our efforts often fall short. In these messages, Alistair Begg explores the need for self-control and the means of attaining…

Ask Ligonier with Steven Lawson

On July 28, Dr. Steven Lawson joined us as a special guest on our Ask Ligonier team and answered your biblical and theological questions live online. Dr. Lawson is president…

You Will Regret Giving In: What to Do When Tempted – Garrett Kell

Chuck Swindoll tells the story of a man who was hunting deer in the Tehama Wildlife Area of Northern California. As he climbed through a rocky gorge, he lifted his…

Ask Ligonier with Steven Lawson: Live Tonight at 7:30 p.m. ET

Tonight at 7:30 p.m. ET, Dr. Steven Lawson will join us as a special guest on our Ask Ligonier team to answer your biblical and theological questions live online. Dr.…

John Piper Interviews J.I. Packer – John Piper and J.I. Packer

In a 72-minute interview, John Piper and J.I. Packer discuss the Puritans, theology, the Christian life, and our heavenly hope. Listen Now Read More Desiring God

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