Is There a Prayer That God Cannot Hear or Answer?

Can we bring prayers before the Lord that He cannot answer? From one of our Ask Ligonier events, John MacArthur encourages us to pray according to God’s revealed will in…

Save 50% on 60+ Teaching Series

Video teaching series from R.C. Sproul and other gifted teachers help you grow in your faith and apply the truth of God’s Word to every aspect of life. For a…

Don’t Adjust Your Conscience to Fit the Culture

Most of us are familiar with Martin Luther’s heroic statement at the Diet of Worms when he was called upon to recant. “Unless I am convinced by sacred Scripture, or…

Are Christian Couples Required to Have Kids? – John Piper

The Bible is clear that children are a gift from God. So is there any room for a Christian couple to decide not to have any? Listen Now Read More…

Brokenhearted Boldness: A Christian Alternative to Outrage Culture – John Piper

Seventeen years ago, I wrote an article titled “Taking the Swagger Out of Christian Cultural Influence.” I used the word swagger to describe a distortion of Christian boldness I was…

Alistair Begg on His Favorite Movie

Dear Friend, When I am asked to name my favorite movie, my answer hasn’t changed in nearly forty years. It is Chariots of Fire. Nominated in seven categories at the…

Will You Pray for Awakening? Download Your Free Prayer Guide

We live in a world that needs awakening. Millions of people do not know Jesus Christ. The church itself needs renewed zeal for the truth, for spiritual growth, and for…

Let Your Dream Church Die: How Discontentment Destroys Community – Scott Hubbard

“Lord, I just want to pray for Kevin right now. . . .” Who’s Kevin? I thought, eyes closed, head bowed. I rehearsed the names of the new small-group members…

The Three Waves of Pentecostalism

Despite its humble beginnings, the Pentecostal movement has gained a significant influence in the world. From his teaching series A Survey of Church History, W. Robert Godfrey describes three waves…

Strong as a Woman – Mary A. Kassian

I gasped the first time I saw a man hit a woman. I was watching an action movie in the family room with my teenaged boys. The lead character was…

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