Since Jesus Took Our Punishment, Why Didn’t He Need to Go to Hell Forever?

The smallest sin deserves eternal judgment from a holy God. Why didn’t Jesus need to spend eternity in hell in order to satisfy the Father’s justice on our behalf? From…

What Do You Love Most About God? – John Piper

Unless the Bible informs what we love most about God, we risk imagining a god in our own likeness, rather than treasuring him for who he really is. Listen Now…

When Your Mother Grows Old: Open Letter to Younger Believers – Kathleen Nielson

Listen to your father who gave you life,      and do not despise your mother when she is old. (Proverbs 23:22) If you are considered “young,” I am considered “older.” I’m…

Do You Care About the Widows?

In biblical terms, to be religious does not necessarily mean you are godly. To be religious can mean simply that you’re involved in the trappings of religion, that you may…

Sermons on How to Biblically Deal with Anger

For the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. (James 1:20 ESV) Everyone experiences anger. How can we deal with this emotion in a biblical way? In…

Joy Comes Through the Mourning: Why Sorrow Must Give Way to Gladness – David Mathis

In Christ, sorrow never has the last say. God works gladness in our grief and turns our momentary mourning into dancing. Watch Now Read More Desiring God

The Real Problem of Prayer – Stephen Witmer

I remember a blessed season of my life in which I sat under deeply, doggedly God-centered preaching. And I learned a surprising lesson: often, the sermons didn’t specifically address practical…

The Maccabean Revolt

The centuries leading up to the birth of Christ were filled with the drama of conquest and revolution. In this brief clip from his teaching series Dust to Glory, R.C.…

How Is the Gospel True and Saving? Ephesians 1:11–14, Part 6 – John Piper

Some define it too narrowly, and others too broadly. So, what exactly is the gospel? Watch Now Read More Desiring God

Give Yourself to Find Yourself: John Stott on the Gospel and Freedom – Tim Chester

Among the papers in the archive of John Stott is a single, rather scrappy sheet with these words written in pencil: “The church’s first priority . . . remains the…

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