Hymn: “Safe in the Arms of Jesus” by Fanny Crosby

Safe in the arms of Jesus,Safe on His gentle breast,There by His love o’ershaded,Sweetly my soul shall rest.Hark! ’tis the voice of angels,Borne in a song to me,Over the fields…

Stream for Free: Dallas–Fort Worth Conference

All of the messages from More Than Conquerors, our 2020 Dallas–Fort Worth Conference, are now available for free on Ligonier.org, the Ligonier app, and YouTube. Sessions Foundations of Grace (Pre-Conference)…

Is It Acceptable to Interpret Adam as an Allegory, Not a Historical Person?

What do we lose if we don’t believe that Adam was a real, historical person? From one of our live events, R.C. Sproul and John MacArthur express the dangers of…

Is Enjoying God the Same as Glorifying God? – John Piper

“God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him.” Does that mean enjoying God and glorifying God are the same thing? Listen Now Read More Desiring…

If You Could See What You Will Be – Marshall Segal

Some of the sweetest and deepest promises of God are also some of the most neglected, often because they either feel too great to grasp or because they don’t seem…

Download (Free) — “Fix Our Eyes on Jesus: A Study in Hebrews”

Written for an audience of Jewish believers in a time of persecution, the book of Hebrews proclaims an eternal truth: Jesus is both the Son of God and our Great…

Feelings Make Wonderful Gods: A Demon’s Guide to Human Emotions – Greg Morse

My Dear Globdrop, I received your last letter and sit perplexed by what wasn’t contained. No incident worth mentioning, then? I am no fool to believe all that Slubtub blathers,…

Is Theology Only for Pastors?

Our 2020 State of Theology survey unveils what Americans think about God, the Bible, truth, and ethics. Conducted in partnership with Lifeway Research, the full results of this survey are…

Why Did God Heal Me? Lessons from an Unexpected Miracle – Darren Carlson

January 12, 2019, was just another day in pain. For nearly four years, my body had betrayed me. Unexplained headaches. Numbness. A broken metabolism. The need for a two-hour nap…

The Holy Spirit Seals Us for God: Ephesians 1:11–14, Part 10 – John Piper

What does it mean to be sealed with the Holy Spirit? And how does his sealing affect the Christian life? Watch Now Read More Desiring God

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