What Was the Transfiguration?

The transfiguration of Jesus is documented by Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Each records that Jesus Himself spoke about it (Matt.16:28–17:9; Mark 9:1–9; Luke 9:28–36). Jesus spoke of the transfiguration both…

The Very Heart of the Reformation

At the very heart of the controversy in the sixteenth century was the question of the ground by which God declares anyone righteous in His sight. The psalmist asked, “If…

What Does It Mean to Forgive?

Matthew 18:15–20 gives us the pattern we should follow when someone has sinned against us, but what does it mean to forgive in the first place? For an answer, let…

Should Christians be afraid of passages like Matthew 24:13?

Matthew 24:13 is a simple statement that there are struggles and trials. This text is stated in the context of the destruction of Jerusalem in particular, and it is an…

3 Things You Should Know about 1 & 2 Timothy

First and 2 Timothy, as well as Titus, are known as Paul’s “Pastoral Epistles.” This simply means that unlike the Apostle’s other letters—which, except for Philemon, were written to congregations—these…

The Reformation Ideal of Marriage

Our memory of what took place during the sixteenth-century Reformation has been somewhat selective. As heirs of Reformed Protestantism, we have remembered it chiefly as a recovery of the gospel…

How Can I Know What’s True?

“How can I know what’s true?” It seems like a simple question. But with the advent of social media, “fake news,” and a multitude of competing voices, it can be…

What Does the Roman Catholic Church Believe About Justification?

The gospel of Jesus Christ is always at risk of distortion. It became distorted in the centuries leading up to the Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century. It became distorted…

Are Sinners Worthless?

I was sitting in a college history class many years ago. My professor asked for a show of hands: “How many of you believe man is basically good?” Most people…

Should philosophy be a part of the ordinary Christian life?

Philosophy can be part of the Christian life. It’s certainly helpful to know philosophy, but it’s not critical; it’s not absolutely necessary. We don’t need to be familiar with the…

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