Life Beneath a Sovereign Lord: How His Power Unleashes Us – Scott Hubbard

Some truths about God we receive into our minds as we might receive a houseguest, expecting them to behave nicely and generally keep the furniture in place. But then, sooner…

Am I Abusing Caffeine? – John Piper

How can we tell if we’re abusing caffeine (or any food or drink)? Pastor John offers three questions to guide a Christian’s consumption. Listen Now Read More Desiring God

Here at the End of All Things: How to Deal with Change – Gerrit Scott Dawson

“Well, this is the end, Sam Gamgee,” said Frodo to his dear companion. The Ring was melting in the fires of Mount Doom. Mordor was collapsing in ruin around them.…

Where Does Technology Come From? 2024 Scudder Lecture – Tony Reinke

How should Christians orient toward technology? Should we ignore it, embrace it, be suspicious of it, or shun it altogether? Watch Now Read More Desiring God

Christ Redeems Sinners for Adoption: Galatians 4:1–7, Part 4 – John Piper

Why did Jesus need to be born of a woman as a human being in order to redeem those under the curse of the law? Watch Now Read More Desiring…

Wrap Your Soul in Truth: Under-Armor for Spiritual War – David Mathis

Given enough time, men and women of principle stand out. After waves of social pressure and the mounting cares of this life, such people are left standing, long after others…

God’s Delight in Our Hope – John Piper

Why does God delight in people who hope in him? In this episode of Light + Truth, John Piper opens Psalm 147:10–11 to show how our dependence magnifies his infinite…

Does God Have a Son? Galatians 4:1–7, Part 3 – John Piper

God sent his Son into the world, born of a woman and under the law. Few statements hold more import, wonder, and mystery. Watch Now Read More Desiring God

Five Inescapable Questions: The Magnetic Points for Cultural Engagement – Dan Strange

ABSTRACT: The “Five Points of Magnetism” articulated by the twentieth-century missionary theologian J.H. Bavinck serve as a grid for understanding human cultures in every age. Formed in the image of…

‘Death Is Yours’ — What Does Paul Mean? – John Piper

If death belongs to the children of God, as the apostle Paul says, then death not only loses its sting, but it turns around and becomes our servant. Listen Now…

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