Ministry Belongs to the Members: How God Uses Ordinary Saints – Sam Emadi

American evangelicals have developed a rather unhelpful way of speaking about vocational gospel work. We use idioms like “going into the ministry” to describe full-time pastoral employment — as if…

Election Silences Pride and Awakens Praise: Ephesians 1:3–6, Part 9 – John Piper

God chose his people in his Son, before the foundation of the world, to put an end to all boasting and to secure eternal praise of the glory of his…

Why Does ‘Atonement’ Disappear in the New Testament? – John Piper

The word “atonement” appears all over the ESV’s translation of the Old Testament, but never in the New. Didn’t Jesus make atonement for our sins? Listen Now

Humble Yourself and Fast: God’s Unpleasant Gift for Lancing Pride – David Mathis

Am I humble? It’s a tough question to answer. For one, humble people don’t spend a lot of time thinking about themselves, especially their own humility. But it may be…

God Tells the Time: Ancient Dreams for Humbling Days – David Mathis

Real hope in chaotic times isn’t a daydream, but a surefire promise from the Ancient of Days, who now governs every moment through the Son of Man. Watch Now

Pray to See the Church as God Does – Scott Hubbard

Criticizing the church can come easily, especially in an age like ours. Though many of us are aware of the dangers of consumer Christianity, few of us escape its influence…

Let Your Heart Take Courage – Jon Bloom

If we consider all the things we could be afraid of, we can quickly see why don’t be afraid, in one form or another, is one of the most repeated…

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