Can We Sin in Our Sleep? What to Do with Troubling Dreams – Garrett Kell

Sarah’s heart raced as she awoke from a vivid nightmare. In her dream, she committed a murderous act against someone she’d never met. She soon grew disturbed that her mind…

What Does Freedom from the Love of Money Look Like? – John Piper

Our hearts were never meant to find their meaning in money. God made us for something far more valuable. Listen Now Read More Desiring God

Holy in Love or Adopted in Love? Ephesians 1:3–6, Part 11 – John Piper

Some of the shiniest gold lies ready to be discovered in the mines of Scripture. Will we take the time to dig for and uncover them? Watch Now Read More…

To Anyone Who Has Lost a Child – Vaneetha Rendall Risner

A friend told me about a young couple who had recently lost their baby girl in delivery. The couple was devastated and, though trusting God, felt horribly alone. My friend,…

What Is Sheol? Exploring the Afterlife in the Old Testament – Matthew Y. Emerson

ABSTRACT: Several dozen times throughout Scripture, the word “Sheol” appears with reference to the afterlife. The Old Testament portrays Sheol as the bunker of humanity’s enemy, the devil, and the…

How Can I Disagree with My Husband and Still Submit? – John Piper

How can a wife disagree with her husband about a decision while still submitting to his leadership in the home? Listen Now Read More Desiring God

None Can Stay His Hand: The Certain Triumph of the Gospel – David Mathis

The absolute sovereignty of God isn’t just a doctrine to affirm, but a balm for the infirmed. From the book of Daniel, to the church today, God’s rule and reign…

The Bride Satan Loves to Insult: The Church Dying – Greg Morse

My Dear Globdrop, I’ve had the misfortune of receiving the protestation you called a letter. My favorite line was when you asked how we (your superiors) could expect you (a…

When Every Other Word Fails – David Mathis

Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come! (Revelation 4:8) What, if anything, might you say when you stand for the first…

God Is Preparing His Holy Bride: Ephesians 1:3–6, Part 10 – John Piper

Before the stars lit up the night sky. Before the sun blazed in the heavens. God planned for his people to be radiantly holy forever before him. Watch Now Read…

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