Should We Get Married? How to Find Clarity in Dating – Marshall Segal

If I could go back and make myself read one article when I was 17, 18, or even 21, I think it might be this one. I would want to…

All Things New: When Our Long Night Will End – Brian Tabb

We live in a world where everything “new” soon becomes old. New cars scratch and rust. New shoes wear out. Fresh bread gets stale. Today’s smartphones are outdated in a…

Christian Hedonism in Two Minutes – John Piper

What is the simplest, shortest definition of Christian Hedonism? Pastor John explains in two minutes why pursuing joy in God is essential to the Christian life. Listen Now Read More…

How Paul Prays Eternal Comfort into Heart Comfort: 2 Thessalonians 2:13–17, Part 7 – John Piper

The apostle Paul wants Christians to subjectively experience the comfort that is already objectively ours in Christ. Watch Now Read More Desiring God

Happy to Be She: My Glad Path to Complementarity – Abigail Dodds

Complementarian is a strange word. I never heard my parents or my pastor use it as I was growing up. I can’t recall the first time I heard it —…

How Does Childbirth Save Women? – John Piper

Women, Paul says, “will be saved through childbearing.” How does childbirth save women — and what about women who never have children of their own? Listen Now Read More Desiring…

My Son, Give Me Your Heart: The First Desire of Fruitful Parenting – Joe Rigney

My son, give me your heart,      and let your eyes observe my ways. (Proverbs 23:26) This simple proverb is embedded in a series of exhortations and warnings about the dangers…

The Shadow We Cannot Shake: What to Do When Darkness Remains – Scott Hubbard

Some spiritual darkness feels so woven into the fabric of our souls, so enmeshed in our personality and wiring, so deeply rooted and subtle, that escaping it can feel like…

Heaven Won’t Fit in Your Head: How Not to Pursue Theology – Matt Reagan

I have long been a mental maniac. I ruminate over unanswerable questions, turning the concepts of God and the universe over in my head to examine them from different angles,…

Are Traditions Good or Bad? 2 Thessalonians 2:13–17, Part 6 – John Piper

The church ought to preserve traditions that evidence biblical fidelity — and discard those that elevate our ways over Scripture. Watch Now Read More Desiring God

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