How Long Are We Patient with the Idle? 2 Thessalonians 3:11–16, Part 3 – John Piper

The aim of holy ostracism is to cause shame in a fellow believer so that they might turn and walk in the light. Watch Now Read More Desiring God

Did All Baptists Want a Wall? Early Postures Toward Religious Liberty – Obbie Tyler Todd

In 1801, the Baptists of Danbury, Connecticut, penned a letter to the newly elected president, Thomas Jefferson, to declare their belief “that America’s God has raised you up to fill…

Tree of Shame: The Horror and Honor of Good Friday – David Mathis

Even death on a cross. The apostle dares to add this obscenity as the low point of his Lord’s self-humbling. Jesus “humbled himself,” Paul says, “by becoming obedient to the…

If God Desires All to Be Saved, Why Aren’t They? – John Piper

God “desires all people to be saved,” Paul tells us — but clearly not all people are saved. Does this mean God cannot do what he wants to do? Listen…

Saving Faith as Treasuring Christ – John Piper

What is the actual experience of receiving Christ? What happens in the soul? Saving faith sees the Son not only as useful, but precious. Watch Now Read More Desiring God

Five Implications of ‘Eat Your Own Bread’: 2 Thessalonians 3:11–16, Part 2 – John Piper

There are at least five significant implications from Paul’s command to the Thessalonian church to “eat your own bread.” Watch Now Read More Desiring God

The Most High on His Knees: Learning Humility from the Last Supper – Greg Morse

What thoughts raced through the angels’ minds as they beheld their Creator stoop down to wash human feet? How much those burning seraphim must have wondered. They themselves blushed to…

‘Build Not Your Nest Here’: Learning Suffering from the Puritans – Brian Hanson

The English Puritans and their Scottish counterparts, the Covenanters, experienced intense suffering. Along with their contemporaries, they faced the normal hardships of the seventeenth-century world: plagues, illnesses, and the deaths…

Christ’s Plan for the Globe — and You – John Piper

Christ’s global purpose to ransom people from every tribe and tongue can be summed up in his words, “I have other sheep. I must bring them also.” Listen Now Read…

As New Creatures, Eat What You Earn: 2 Thessalonians 3:11–16, Part 1 – John Piper

God created mankind for good works. When he makes us new in Christ, his purpose remains the same. Watch Now Read More Desiring God

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