The FAQs: Americans Debate About Religious Liberty in Ukraine – Joe Carter

What just happened? At the recent Family Leadership Summit in Des Moines, Iowa, former Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson asked former vice president Mike Pence if, during his recent meeting…

Should We Embrace or Evict AI in Churches? – Patrick Miller

It took Twitter two years to reach 1 million users. Spotify? 5 months. Instagram? 2.5 months. ChatGPT? Five days. In the span of five days, AI broke into the conscious…

Why You Should Avoid Political Idols When Engaging the World Today – Jim Davis, Michael Aitcheson, David Platt

In this episode of As in Heaven, hosts Jim Davis and Michael Aitcheson welcome guest David Platt to discuss the role of political syncretism (taking political positions of neutrality) in…

How Many Israelites Exited Egypt? – Philip Ryken

The Bible describes the exodus in careful detail. Nevertheless, it has often been challenged on historical grounds. One standard objection concerning information given in Exodus 12 is the size of…

A Tale of Two Stories: Mormonism vs. Christianity – Luke Simmons

Wait a second. . . . Those big, beautiful warriors are elves? I was so confused watching The Lord of the Rings for the first time. I hadn’t read the…

Supporting Mental Health with Dignity and Grace – Blair Linne, Aixa de López, Sharon Dickens, Soojin Park

“Part of the promise of the new heaven and new earth is that you are going to have a new mind.” – Soojin Park In this episode of Glo, Blair…

Theology: The Missing Piece in Discipleship – Jen Wilkin, J. T. English

When we hear Jesus’s command in Matthew 28 to go and make disciples, we tend to think of it in terms of evangelism. We picture Jesus’s disciples fanning out across…

Now Is the Time to Build in Education – Bob Thune

For our cities and communities to flourish, Christians need to be builders. But I never expected to build a school. Here’s the story of how it happened. When our oldest…

What to Do When You Don’t Enjoy Church – Sean DeMars

I stand in the pulpit every Sunday, scanning our tiny meeting hall, trying my best to see the faces of everyone present. Most of what I see is encouraging—parents training…

I’m a Continuationist with Cancer. I Still Believe in Healings. – Tim Shorey

I have stage four, poor-prognosis cancer, and I believe in healings, either bestowed directly by the Lord or through the intercession of others. I’m convinced there are moments when God…

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