How New Atheism Collapsed and Gave Way to New Faith – Collin Hansen, Justin Brierley

If you know Justin Brierley, it’s probably for the debates and interviews he hosted for many years with the Unbelievable? radio show and podcast. He interviewed some of the most…

The Religion that Reads (but Doesn’t Respect) the Bible – Samuel Emadi

“That’s the thickest book I’ve ever seen!” My friend and I were discussing differences between Christianity and Mormonism, he’d just pulled the Mormon “Quad” out of his locker, and I…

Ministering in the Midst of Godlessness – Ray Ortlund, Sam Allberry

In this episode of You’re Not Crazy, Ray Ortlund and Sam Allberry discuss the challenges of serving in a godless world and emphasize the importance of relying on Jesus and…

Which Jesus Do You See in Your Suffering? – Blake Glosson

For sufferers, one of the most potentially hope-giving promises is Christ’s assurance, “I am with you” (Matt. 28:20). Yet our ability to draw strength and hope from this promise rests…

Christ’s Victory over Social Media – Lauren Heck

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. (Gen. 50:20, NIV) I can only imagine…

What 3 Church Fathers Teach Us About Orphan Care – Kate Carter

My family is in the process of adopting two children from Africa. Navigating their adoption has deepened our perspective on the greater work of spiritual adoption we’ve received in Christ.…

Welsh Christianity’s Surprising Rise and Decline – Andrew Spencer, David Ceri Jones

In 1800, 15-year-old Mary Jones walked around 25 miles to purchase a Bible in her own language. The story of the Welsh weaver’s daughter and her journey to get a…

Why Do I Have to Keep Forgiving? – John Beeson

Why do I have to keep forgiving him? I’ve heard it many times as a pastor. It’s said with weariness and hurt, or bitterness and anger, or confusion and longing. It…

Introduction to the Life and Work of Tim Keller at TGC Netherlands – Collin Hansen

In his message at TGC Netherlands 2023, Collin Hansen examines Tim Keller’s life and ministry through the concept of “rings on a tree,” revealing the different influences that shaped Keller…

After ‘Roe’: The Pro-Life Movement’s Next 50 Years – Daniel Darling

Tuesday night was another blow to the pro-life movement as Ohio voted overwhelmingly to enshrine the right to abortion into its constitution. This was the seventh win out of seven…

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