One Thing My Parents Did Right: Ask for Forgiveness – Ashley Kim

Why is it so hard to ask for forgiveness? Even when we realize we’ve wronged another person, being the first to apologize is the last thing we want to do.…

‘Fingernails’ and ‘Love at First Sight’: Hollywood’s Answers for Marriage Anxiety – Brett McCracken

Young adults in contemporary Western cultures are delaying marriage at record rates. The reasons are many, but one commonality I’ve observed is a paralyzing anxiety that makes dating (and especially…

The Pietistic Influences on Tim Keller – Michael Keller

In his message at TGC Netherlands 2023, Michael Keller talks about the influence of Jonathan Edwards and the Puritans on his father, Tim Keller, and he shares how these influences…

Darrell Bock on Israel’s Role in the Land Promise – Darrell L. Bock

Abstract: In this essay, Darrell Bock discusses the nuanced understanding of God’s land promise to Israel. He highlights that the New Testament doesn’t dismiss the promise to Israel but contextualizes…

Gerald McDermott on Why the Land Promises Belong to Ethnic Israel – Gerald R. McDermott

Abstract: In this essay, Gerald McDermott explores the notion of supersessionism in Christian theology, which suggests the promises made to the Jewish people in the Old Testament, including the land…

G. K. Beale on the Expected Universalization of the Old Testament Land Promises – G. K. Beale

Abstract: In this essay, G. K. Beale explores the Old Testament land promises to Israel, examining the idea that the promises were intended to expand beyond the initial borders to…

Benefits and Hazards of Gen Z’s Emotionally Engaged Faith – Abigail Davis

I love to watch my friend Maria pray because her face is so expressive. Over the course of a single prayer meeting, her facial expressions move from impassive, to intense,…

Reaching the Dechurched Is a Whole-Church Effort – Matt Rogers

Pastors are ghosted all the time. Some people leave and we know why. Others leave with no explanation. We hope they might return, even if they won’t return our calls.…

Progress and Progressivism: How We Got from 1776 to Today – Glen Scrivener, Andrew Wilson

How did the founding of America contribute to the post-Christian world we live in today? Is there something inherently post-Christian baked into the pie from the founding of the nation?…

What My Video Game Habit Revealed About My Heart – Jay King

If you did a time-tracking survey of the nearly 30 years of my life, you’d see three activities dominate—sleep, school, and video games. From a young age, I loved video…

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