9 Things You Should Know About the U.S. Supreme Court

Later this week, the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to release several potentially blockbuster decisions covering such issues as birth control, ministerial exceptions, and religious rights. Here are nine things…

How to Flourish Amid Moral Chaos and Outrage

We’re in crisis. Currently this includes health, cultural, racial, and economic realities. Jonathan Dodson—pastor in Austin, Texas, and founder of Gospel-Centered Discipleship—argues in Our Good Crisis: Overcoming Moral Chaos with…

Sipping Poison Won’t Make You Wise (Take My Word for It!)

The wisest person isn’t always the most experienced. I had to learn that the hard way. I graduated from high school as an evangelical kid—innocent enough to feel at home…

Catherine de Bourbon: Steadfast in Oppression

Born in Paris on February 7, 1559, Catherine de Bourbon, “princess of the blood” of France’s royal line, entered a world in turmoil.  As the Huguenot (French Calvinist) church grew,…

The Secret to Church Planting (From a Former Muslim)

As a former Muslim, the questions still sound strange. Is this passage too intense for visitors? Does my sermon have enough jokes? Should we do an iPad giveaway? These questions…

The Bible You Never Expected

“Nothing we expected, yet everything we need.” That’s what Michael and Lauren McAfee suggest you’ll find when you read the Bible for yourself. That’s their charge to the millennial generation…

Your Seat in Church Is a Seat in Heaven

My church’s dark wood pews and red cushions are probably 30 or 40 years old, approximately as old as the congregation itself. Hymnals and Bibles rest in carpet-padded racks on…

A Disgusting Poem About God’s Goodness

“This poem is disgusting,” one of my students declared not long ago as we settled in for a discussion of the Inferno, the first part of Dante’s Divine Comedy. She…

For People with Special Needs, Every Church Is ‘Accessible’ Now

For my family, social isolation isn’t much different from normal life. Because of my son’s social anxiety related to his autism, drive-thrus are our normal way of eating out. We…

The Church Doesn’t Need Online Watchmen

Christians on the internet can sometimes be like the fake Batmans in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight—copycat caped crusaders wearing hockey pads and DIY cowls. Our personalities online can often…

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