Help! I Feel Like a Failure – Greg Phelan

I’ve been working on some projects that are just not moving forward. My boss has recently shut some of them down, and I can’t help but feel I’ve wasted a…

Loving Those Whom Missionaries Leave Behind – Candace Echols

Every year in late winter, our church dusts off its collection of international flags. It’s World Missions Conference time. During the final session of our church’s most recent conference, the…

A Case for Being Honest with Your Elders – Wendy Alsup

I snuck into the bright sanctuary of the church and snagged a seat on the back row, taking in the people, the pastor, and the liturgy of the service.  I…

How Should Christians View the End of Life? – Kathryn Butler

In this first episode of TGC Q&A’s Christians and Healthcare series, Dr. Katie Butler answers the question, “How should Christians view the end of life?” She addresses: Framing the discussion…

What You Should Know About the 2020 Libertarian Party Platform – Joe Carter

Although minor parties—often called “third parties” to distinguish them from the dominant two—have always been a part of American politics, the dissatisfaction with the Republican and Democratic parties in the…

We’re All Children of the Sixties – Os Guinness

To many people today, the 1960s are ancient history, and neither history nor the past registers strongly with the present-obsessed myopia of our time. Yet the past is always the…

Are Christians More Confident in Politics Than in Christ? – Eugene Park

Just as the pandemic has exacerbated the problem of Christians being more shaped by online pundits than in-the-flesh pastors, it has also intensified political tribalism. With few places to converse other…

Prioritize Church, Even When There’s No Childcare –

Before planting The Town Church in Fort Collins, Colorado, we attended a church in North Dakota that offered childcare up to (not through) age 2. At the time, we had…

We Have a Better Story –

What’s most important about humanity never changes: We’re made in the image of God and separated from our Creator by our sin. We need a Savior lest we fall under…

3 Strategies for College Outreach During COVID-19 –

Though this fall semester will certainly be unlike any other, I believe there are unique opportunities for us to reach more students. Our campus team walked away from a brainstorming…

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