Helping Protect Your Pastor from Death by Suicide – Nicholas Davis

The woes of ministry can quickly lead a pastor into the throes (and lows) of life. Andrew Stoecklein, the 30-year-old lead pastor of Inland Hills Church in Chino, California, battled…

Should Christians Baptize on Behalf of the Dead? – Andrew Menkis

In the middle of a long and detailed discussion of the resurrection in 1 Corinthians 15, Paul drops a confusing bombshell: Otherwise, what do people mean by being baptized on…

How Do I Care for Those with Dementia? – John Dunlop

In the second episode of TGC Q&A’s Christians and Healthcare series, John Dunlop answers the question, “How do I care for those with dementia?” He addresses: What is the hardest…

Church Ministry After COVID-19: What Comes Next? – Andrew Heard

What will our church look like in this new era? This is the question many pastors are trying to think through now. Thom Rainer’s new book, The Post-Quarantine Church: Six…

Glorify God. Keep a Journal. – Rebecca VanDoodewaard

We may think of journaling as a bit archaic—maybe even Victorian. I certainly did when my then-boyfriend suggested we start one together. But church history shows us that journaling does…

Why Unhealthy People Crave Controversy – Russell Moore

In Walter Percey’s novel The Moviegoer, the protagonist Binx Bolling reflects: Whenever I feel bad, I go to the library and read controversial periodicals. Though I do not know whether…

The Secret to Joy in Hard Places – David Doran Jr.

The church member had just punched me in the mouth. Blood gushed from my lip down my shirt. With my hand pressed to my mouth I mumbled, “Be as mad…

What God Taught Me on My (Unplanned) Sabbatical – Daniel Stegeman

A few months ago, the Lord gave me a gift I wasn’t expecting. After a sudden and difficult resignation from my church, I was out of pastoral ministry. For years…

Paul Tripp on Leaders Who Won’t Flame Out – Collin Hansen

A number of years ago, I grew distressed with the number of friends and colleagues who had left ministry amid controversy and scandal. I tried to learn what had gone…

Why Is It So Hard to Read My Bible These Days? – Megan Hill

Since March, I’ve struggled to maintain my daily habit of Bible reading and prayer. Some days, I’ve happily turned to the next passage in my year-long plan (or asked Alexa…

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