The Crisis in the SBC | The Causes of Things Ep. 27 – Administrator

This week, Southern Baptists are convening in Nashville to make a decision in regards to who will lead their denomination over the next two years. The field of candidates for…

CRT and Intersectionality at Albert Mohler’s Seminary – Michael O’Fallon

In the years between 2008 and 2019, the proponents of critical race theory (CRT) and intersectionality in the Southern Baptist Convention and its seminaries believed that the concepts, ideas, and…

Early Days of Courage | The Causes of Things Ep. 26 – Administrator

In May of 2021 what was once referred to as a “conspiracy theory” is now accepted as a viable understanding of the origins of Covid-19.  Those that sounded the alarm…

Hegel and the Dialectic – Administrator

When most commentators refer to the ideological state that Western civilization finds itself in today, the name most commonly used as the genesis of the rot that has infected our…

A Critical Reset – Administrator

The sociopolitical tides are changing throughout Western Civilization. In this newly released interview, Michael O’Fallon and James Lindsay reflect upon their revolutionary discussions, their previous warnings, and the coming deconstruction…

How Climate Justice Undermines Liberty – Administrator

Changing Tides is a new series of discussions from Sovereign Nations featuring James Lindsay and Michael O’Fallon.  The tides of change are all around us. At times, the changes are…

A Critical Intersection: SBC Presidential Candidate Mike Stone – Administrator

Pastor Mike Stone of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Blackshear, Georgia, believes that it is time to address pressing issues in the largest protestant denomination in the world: The Southern Baptist…

Europe Divided Over Covid Passports – Desmond Berg

European leaders are considering a proposal to introduce a common EU-wide Coronavirus vaccination passport. The so-called Covid passports would permit those who have been vaccinated to travel freely within the…

Similarities Between Coneism and the KKK | Virgil Walker – Administrator

Virgil Walker, Executive Director of Operations for G3 Ministries, examines the close ideological similarities between the white supremacy of the Ku Klux Klan and the Black Liberation Theology of James…

The ‘Tells’ of the Deep State Poker Players – Desmond Berg

I’ve never been much of a poker player, but I understand that expert players can read the “tell” on their opponents’ faces. Maybe I’m wrong, but I think the “tell”…

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