Buttigieg and Gramsci | Public Occurrences, Ep. 39 – Administrator

Pete Buttigieg has risen from college student to Mayor of Southbend, Indiana and all the way to Secretary of Transportation under the Biden Administration.  What was behind his meteoric rise…

The Real Cost of Government Mandated Wind and Solar – Desmond Berg

The government and big financial institutions promote a fraudulent analysis of the cost of solar and wind electricity. Their narrative is that wind and solar are competitive with traditional fossil…

What About Grandma? | Public Occurrences, Ep. 38 – Administrator

A constant refrain from tyrannical DNC Governors and Mayors to ensure that everyone was guilted into staying at home, crushing their small businesses and ensuring that online purchasing was normalized…

American Maoism – Desmond Berg

The origins of our current Cultural Revolution “Never forget class struggle!” proclaimed Mao in Fall 1962 at the Chinese Communist Party’s annual retreat. This maxim quickly became the fevered chant…

Black Rock | Public Occurrences, Ep. 37 – Administrator

Corporations all across the United States have all seemed to catch the same feverous virus at the same time: the ideological virus that results in woke capital. And if not…

Bibles Badges and Businesses | Public Occurrences, Ep. 36 – Administrator

As the border surges at the same time that crime surges while a national economic crisis is unfolding around us, many discerning people are beginning to wonder why their church…

Critical Race Praxis – Administrator

There is a “Great Reset” being forced upon our world by elites, corporations, and corrupt politicians. At the same time there is a “Great Gaslight” that has been psychologically used…

The Biden Embargo on the U.S. | Public Occurrences, Ep. 35 – Administrator

We are being transitioned from an analogue, objective, capitalistic, merit-based system into a digital, subjective, Marxist, intersectional system. To further this transition, the old systems, the old governance, and the…

CRT and the DOJ* | Public Occurrences, Ep. 34 – Administrator

Merrick Garland and the Department of Justice* have indicated that they will be employing the FBI to prosecute parents who are concerned with the teaching of critical race theory in…

Digital Currency Horizon | Public Occurrences, Ep. 33 – Administrator

A change is coming to the United States that will affect the way in which you earn, spend, save, and give.  In fact, this change will expose to the government…

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