2+2=5? Rep. Vicky Hartzler calls out big brother

It’s time for us to draw a line in the sand. In Orwell’s 1984, Big Brother had taken captive everyone’s thoughts through continual small lies. To uphold biblical truth, we need…

CPAC: Former female sportscaster condemns cancel culture, says ‘being offended is a choice’

A former sportscaster told those gathered at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference that “being offended is a choice” and encouraged attendees to respect those who disagree with them and…

Supply-Side Jesus is better than stagflation Jesus

As our nation faces its first serious bout of stagflation since the 1970s, is it not reasonable to ask what Jesus might say about this national crisis? Read More The…

‘Lincoln’s Dilemma’ reveals how president’s faith influenced politics, says historian

President Abraham Lincoln’s faith and his commitment to seeing humanity as created in the image of God guided him through tumultuous times, solidifying the former president as a historic figure…

DeSantis tells CPAC to ‘put on full armor of God,’ says ‘shield of faith’ will protect them from the Left

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis told one of the largest national annual gatherings of conservative activists this week to put on a “full armor of God” as he vowed to lead…

Biden to nominate Ketanji Brown Jackson to Supreme Court

President Joe Biden has nominated a federal judge to fill an impending vacancy on the United States Supreme Court who, if confirmed, would become the first black woman to serve…

6 Evangelical reactions to Russia’s Ukraine invasion: ‘Potentially major prophetic fulfillment’

Global Evangelical figures and organizations are calling for peace and prayer as top U.S. leaders fear Russia’s full-scale invasion of neighboring Ukraine is just the beginning of an attempt to…

Pastors Robert Morris, Dave Dummitt offer money-back guarantee if congregants tithe for a year and nothing happens

Willow Creek Community Church Senior Pastor David Dummitt has offered his congregants a money-back guarantee if they tithe 10% of their income for a year and nothing happens. He made…

State-sanctioned gambling: A really bad deal!

As late as 2012, NFL lawyers argued in a court case that “the NFL was adamantly opposed to sports gambling because it would ‘negatively impact our long-term relationship with our…

RZIM says it ‘does not agree’ with entire explosive Guidepost report, but vows to ‘learn’ from mistakes

The board of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries reacted to a report detailing how leaders turned a blind eye to Zacharias’ misdeeds for years and spent nearly $1 million to defend…

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