Kanye West says God told him to run for president in 2020, wants Trump, Biden to step aside

Floating Michelle Tidball, an obscure preacher from Cody, Wyoming, as his running mate, popular rapper and music producer Kanye West says God has told him to run for president in…

Supreme Court upholds Trump rule exempting Little Sisters from HHS birth control mandate

The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld a Trump administration rule broadening religious exemptions to the Department of Health and Human Services contraceptive coverage mandate. Read More The Christian Post |…

Supreme Court says Catholic schools can dismiss teachers for religious reasons

The Supreme Court has ruled that two Catholic schools were within their rights to dismiss two teachers on the basis of classifying them as “ministers” rather than secular professionals. Read…

Calling for real prophets

The contemporary moment of madness prompts a call for real prophets to rise up and do what prophets do. Read More The Christian Post | RSS

‘People are afraid to leave the house’: Chicago pastor decries city’s gun violence

A Chicago pastor is decrying the violence in the Midwestern city following the shooting death of a 7-year-old girl and the deaths of 14 others who were killed over the…

12 Christians arrested by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard in 3 cities: report

At least a dozen Christians in Iran were reportedly arrested, some of whom were allegedly beaten, by Revolutionary Guard intelligence officers last week in three cities, according to a human…

Gospel singer Kiki Sheard recounts ‘toxic’ relationship; thanks God for new engagement

Gospel singer Kierra “Kiki” Sheard recently opened up about a past relationship that she said once drove her into a violent rage.  Read More The Christian Post | RSS

Black pastors decry Jacksonville’s hosting of RNC convention amid COVID-19

More than 70 black pastors have signed a letter urging Jacksonville, Florida, city officials to reconsider hosting parts of the Republican National Convention in late August amid rising cases of…

Fla. megachurch denies hosting ‘COVID-19 parties’ after teen dies: ‘Absolutely false’

First Assembly of God, a megachurch in Fort Myers, Florida, has denied reports that they hosted a huge party, attended by a 17-year-old girl who later died from COVID-19, where…

Arkansas Baptist leader says report blaming churches for COVID-19 spread ‘unfair’

An Arkansas Baptist leader has said that he believes a state government report on the spread of COVID-19 unfairly singles out and names churches as sources of infection. Read More…

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