Thousands of Christians pray for San Diego’s schools amid COVID-19 virtual learning

Over 3,200 people from 98 partnering churches joined a prayer event in person and online Saturday to pray for the city’s schools, youth and teachers.   Read More The Christian Post…

China Aid head prays on National Mall, asks God to bring Communist China to repentance

China Aid President Bob Fu issued a prayer over China and the Chinese Communist Party, asking God to transform the country into a “mission-sending church” instead of a “mission-receiving” one. …

Nearly three-quarters of pastors concerned presidential election will impact churches: Barna

Nearly three of four pastors are concerned that the presidential election and its fallout will negatively impact their congregations, according to a newly reported study by the Barna Group. Read…

Lower-income Americans, blacks and Hispanics bearing brunt of COVID-19 economic fallout: study

Large swaths of American adults have been struggling to pay for necessities like housing and food since the start of the new coronavirus pandemic. But the brunt of the economic…

New Senate bill would defund schools for allowing biological males in girl’s sports

Republicans in the U.S. Senate have introduced a bill that would strip federal funding from schools and organizations that enable biological males who identify as transgender to compete in women’s…

California adopts bills allowing males in female prisons, fund for hormones and trans surgery grants

California has adopted transgender reforms into law, including allowing biological males who identify as female to be placed in women’s prisons, and a fund using state revenue for gender-transition drugs…

‘We have been blind to our white privilege,’ evangelical pastor says at racial justice event

A group of white clergy asked their black counterparts for forgiveness and prayerfully committed to actively work to achieve racial justice as they marked four months since the death of…

Trump proposes plan to increase black communities’ access to funding by $500B

President Donald Trump unveiled his “Platinum Plan” for promoting growth and opportunity for black communities, a broad outline that, among other things, pledges to increase access to capital for African-American…

India: Christian pastor killed, 20 injured in clashes over land dispute

A Christian pastor was killed in northeastern India when a dispute over a plot of land turned violent.  Read More The Christian Post | RSS

4 highlights from the final night of FRC’s 2020 Values Voter Summit

One of the nation’s largest Christian conservative advocacy organizations Family Research Council hosted its annual Values Voter Summit last week, a four-day digital summit that featured remarks from President Donald…

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