Canceling Margaret Sanger

It took nearly one hundred years, but Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, has finally been “canceled” – falling victim to “woke” moment. Yet her malignant and deadly legacy,…

Billie Eilish reveals she was ‘super religious’ as a child, details what she thinks of God now

Popular pop star Billie Eilish, known for her dark-themed music and style revealed that as a child she was very religious despite their being not being raised to believe in…

In Carbon Isotope Excursions, Darwinists Lose Another Excuse for the Cambrian Explosion

The claim that a spike in carbon isotope concentrations led to the explosion of biological diversity in the Cambrian doesn’t hold up, as if it would have helped, anyway. Source…

New bill would punish America’s corporate giants relying on Chinese slave labor 

A new bill introduced in the U.S. Senate could impose fines on major American corporations that use Chinese slave labor to make their products as popular brands and celebrities are…

Houston brothers from Christian family lose both parents weeks apart after battles with COVID-19

Two young Houston brothers are grieving the loss of both parents who died two weeks apart after battling COVID-19. The Christian Post | RSS Read More

AGs sue Trump admin. over rule allowing doctors to not perform abortions, trans surgeries

A group of Democratic state attorneys general is suing the Trump administration over its rule that allows doctors to decline performing abortions and transgender surgeries. Read More The Christian Post…

Christian actor ‘thanked God’ after learning he’d be working with Tom Hanks on ‘Greyhound’

Grayson Russell, an outspoken Christian who’s been an actor in Hollywood since childhood, said he was overcome with gratitude after learning he would be acting alongside Tom Hanks in the…

Combustion Is Anything but Ordinary

The combustion of wood or coal may seem so familiar as to be unworthy of any comment. Source Read More Evolution News

India: Woman brutally murdered by Hindu radicals for converting to Christianity

A woman in India who had recently converted to Christianity was brutally murdered by four youths associated with a Hindu fanatic group, marking the fifth religiously motivated killing of a…

Americans’ Bible engagement dramatically declining amid COVID-19: survey

The coronavirus pandemic has affected Americans’ Bible engagement, with the number of U.S. adults who read Scripture declining drastically amid the outbreak, a recent study found.  Read More The Christian…

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