Pensacola abortion business closed following report of 3 women hospitalized

Florida health officials issued an emergency order last Friday closing an abortion business in Pensacola after a report by Reprotection, a pro-life investigative organization. The group found that within the last nine months,…

Jordan Peterson ponders the Bible and consciousness after death

You first place your faith in Christ as your Savior from sin, and then God begins to give you the assurance that your sins are forgiven and Heaven is your…

A new ‘Jesus movement’? Evangelist Nick Hall says Gen Z is hungry for ‘something supernatural’

Evangelist and author Nick Hall is expecting more than 50,000 young people to gather in Dallas, Texas, for TOGETHER ’22, a free event at the Cotton Bowl Stadium held June…

USPS can require Christian postal carrier to work on Sundays, appeals court rules

A federal appeals court panel has ruled against a U.S. Postal Service employee who sought religious exemptions from working on Sundays because of his faith.  #ReligiousFreedom #USPS #USPostalService #Christian Read…

Arizona Dept. of Education promotes chat room for students to talk about gender, sexuality

The Arizona Department of Education’s list of student resources provides minor children with links to LGBT-themed chat rooms where they can discuss gender and sexuality, possibly without their parents’ knowledge.…

With your help, Israel will outlast these barbaric terrorist attacks

While the world is focused on the devastating war and horrifying amount of civilian casualties in Ukraine, Hamas and other violent terrorists have seized the moment to inflict violent harm…

Our open border crisis

The Constitution says it exists to “insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty.” Do open borders for any nation…

Ask Chuck: Medical debt has me panicked!

I am stunned at the rising cost of our medical bills. It’s the first time in our lives that we haven’t been able to cover them within a month. We…

When it comes to school shootings, America really has a deeply tragic problem

When it comes to the terrible, inexcusable loss of children’s lives on our watch, we must put away our pet peeves and our partisan politics, and we must ask: “To…

Kermit Gosnell is not an ‘outlier,’ pro-life advocates warn; others are killing babies born alive

Pro-life advocates have long said that abortionist Kermit Gosnell wasn’t an outlier and others have also killed babies born alive. Here’s a list of other abortionists accused of violating federal…

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